6 Chicken Eggs going in Tonight - And Hatching Buddie?

None Have Hatched i dunno why :S

Im waiting it been 3 days - due 9th july

And im hoping like 2 hatch
they are due today right? well you have to give them an extra day you know dont freak out over them not hatching on the hatch day the time to panic is on day 2 and 3 so if they havent pipped holes by monday evening then you will want to panic or they might be quiters from the first week i have had eggs that looked good in the second week and when i buried them come to see they were still just tiny embros

edit: so far i have 12 hatched and 3 eggs are left but they will hatch cause 2 i can see have pipped holes and the 1 hasn't quite made a hole but the shell is cracked i have 5 in the bator and 7 in the tub brooder so far as i can tell i have 1 BR,2 RSL roos,1 RSL hen,1 WR,3 RIR i cant tell what the others are yet they are still wet
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okay here are my babys ^_^




and here is the lazy RSL hen who does not want to hatch out

im not worried about her since she has pipped hole and is breathing but the bator stinks and i really dont want her to breath in that smell for longer than she should

and the count of chicks if the one ever hatchs will be 15 chicks so i will have 100% hatch ^_^

I have 1 BR,4 RIR,1 WR,1 Amber,1 RSL roo,6 RSL hens 5 hatched and the one in the egg still is a RSL i can see her feathers
im going to lose a chick he/she is dying i can tell about the 4th day is when the sickly ones die off it was this one

the golden looking one above the white chick with the red stripes god its too bad he/she was really pretty but 14 out of 15 aint bad i still have 95% hatch

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