6+ Pure Lav silkie and split lav silkie eggs-

Natalie! I'm so excited with the Silkie (black lav split) I hatched from your eggs last spring. My lovely Daisy just became a mama!

Hope that photo works.
Just wanted to share some of my excitement and love for Daisy the Silkie!!
that is so totally awesome!!! My girls go broody at the drop of a dime! Luckily for the past 3 months they haven't been!!!! Daisy is fabulous!!! congrats!!!!! What is that cute white chick?
PS how many boys/girls did you get out of the 4 splits you hatched and what sex was that cochin -gosh I loved that cochin!
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The silkies were 3 boys and a girl. The Cochin was a girl... she was a fabulous hen, who unfortunately was attacked by a raccoon in July
oh, and I don't really know what the white chick is... I got the eggs from a local farm with all reddish/buff chickens. I was desperate to find some possibly fertile eggs I just got them and took my chances.
Funny thing is another hen sat on those eggs for nearly 3 weeks, then I cleaned the coop and moved the nest 3 days before the hatch was due. She went back on the nest, but when I checked in the morning she was gone and the eggs were cold, but I left them there hoping for the best. Well, Daisy got broody again and took over sitting on the nest. I didn't expect a hatch really, and was shocked when I found that baby in there last night!

Daisy and the cochin (no name) were pals.. and they looked so odd together: small little black silkie and the big fluffy cochin hanging out together!
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Do it! Build them as furniture and he won't miss a beat!

Okay, and I'll tell him it's your fault Meagan! lol

You can hide them in your garage or spare bedroom.... I hid an incubator in the guest bedroom!!!!
Or I can hatch for you! and you can rescue them from me. I love no I adore these!

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