6th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2015 Hatch-A-Long


Just another brooder full of chicks! the first batch are my pure ameraucanas and the second is my F1 EE...they all look alike to me! My solitary Olive Egger hatched with feathered feet! the hen is a splash copper marans with no foot feathers, so if somebody can explain that I would appreciate the info. I need to confirm my numbers by counting, but this is what Ihave

66 eggs set -5 clear -1 early quitter -1 late quitter -2 non hatched (fully developed) so i should have 57 chicks in the brooder.

do we count clear eggs when figuring hatch rate? counting clears against my hatch rate, i got 86%

not counting clears the hatch rate is 93%

I will be sure of my chick count when I vaccinate tonight. :)
I'll catch up on this thread later but I'm sad to say we haven't heard from any of the eggs we set. We'll have to candle to find out what's up. Not sure, but that week before my chickens only gave me 6 and my friends only gave 4. So none so far :'(
Advice please... I don't know if the 4th is gonna survive. It is still just laying around, often shivering as though it's cold. It has orange goop stuck to its but - looks like yolk - and some white stuff that looks like wet paper - maybe membrane?

I'll try to get a pic.


Good advice so far! Be careful that you do not pull on the yellow stuff. Did you give it a drop of poly vi sol without iron or nutra drench?
A photo would help, but you can get a wet paper towel, or clean rag and wash it's bottom. They can get what is called pasty butt. This stops them from being able to go to the bathroom. Not sure if this is all poo that is stuck in that area..like I said, a photo would help.


shlac sounds like that is the egg sac and the chick hasn't finished absorbing it. The chick needs to be undisturbed (by other chicks etc.) till this is finished. Sounds like it is cold too, can you check that it is get enough heat.
So I should put her back in then? It's 96 to 98 degrees in the brooder and though she was pretty dry when I put her in there, she's getting hard to distinguish from the other chicks already.

No, the chick will be fine now. Check for pasty butt daily though. Getting too cold can cause it.

Just another brooder full of chicks! the first batch are my pure ameraucanas and the second is my F1 EE...they all look alike to me! My solitary Olive Egger hatched with feathered feet! the hen is a splash copper marans with no foot feathers, so if somebody can explain that I would appreciate the info. I need to confirm my numbers by counting, but this is what Ihave

66 eggs set -5 clear -1 early quitter -1 late quitter -2 non hatched (fully developed) so i should have 57 chicks in the brooder.

do we count clear eggs when figuring hatch rate? counting clears against my hatch rate, i got 86%

not counting clears the hatch rate is 93%

I will be sure of my chick count when I vaccinate tonight.
For the hatch a long we are using total hatch rate so 86% which is very good!

I started with 20 eggs in the incubator and I got 10 beautiful chicks..
Nice Hatch!
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