6th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2015 Hatch-A-Long

Perfect way to go!

Do watch it for pasty butt and make sure it does not have feet and leg issues.
Ok thanks!! I get off in less than an hour so it should be almost dry when I get home. Rephrase.. Should be gaining strength so I can see how it moves..
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OMG OMG OMG. Hubby just texted.. My side pipper broke out on his own!!!!
No, the chick will be fine now. Check for pasty butt daily though. Getting too cold can cause it.

Yeah, she's going strong, I can't even tell her from the others anymore, well except for 1 of the original 5. Her legs are splayed out a bit as if her hips are out of joint. She walks around with a wobble but as for mobility, she seems to have very little trouble. One other concern with her though is lethargy. I picked her up earlier and she didn't make a sound or try to escape or anything. The others have a fit at first but then quickly settle down. But she didn't do anything, she's also like that in the brooder too.

I'm afraid we may be back down to 6 if she doesn't come around.
Our first chick is out!!!!!!

This is the one I have been fretting about that pipped on the wrong end of the middle. Started to unzip around 11am, took around 30-40 minutes...did it all by himself. I'm glad I held off on helping.

Now he is just drying in the incubator. Running laps around my mini. Toppled over the one egg I had in a carton and hugging both eggs that are with him. Peeping up a storm. I don't any of the peeping is coming from the other eggs yet.

Here is a photo...looks like a blue!!!

Thank You to EVERYONE who held my hand and tolerated all my questions and panic on our first hatch!!!

(I don't think the questions and hand holding is done yet though, as I got two more eggs...)

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