6th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2015 Hatch-A-Long

So we are hatching for our second time. Our first (10 eggs) was a 100% hatch rate which hatched on Dec. 23rd & 24th but on our second hatch (15 eggs) there are 10 that hatched starting yesterday (New Years Eve) at 10am and 5 are remaining.

1 of the 5 has had a partial zipper since yesterday evening but no further action. It's breathing is shallow and barely moving a wing but that's it. Do we help it? Let it be?

Since the other 4 have no cracks is it ok to open the bator or will that cause their sacks to shrink around them and perhaps risk losing them?

See the picture below for the partially zippered egg I'm referring to.

So I now have 3 little babies!!! YAY

This is one of my 10 from my last hatch 21 days ago. I think it's my little buddy!!

God I do love my chickens!!

The chick should be fine. One problem with drawing the air cell at lockdown is that the air cell will grow a bunch during the last three days. If the chick had missed the air sack, there would be blood or goo coming out.

Go chickies!

I could have sworn that the air cell was on the other side, but I think you are right. I just went out to look at the 'bator again, and he pushed that flap of shell outward, definitely no goo or blood, just an opening in the egg. And then the flap closed to how it is in the photo. But I got a well-timed peek!!

So exciting!!!
Happy New Year

So far we have our leading record of hatching in one setting. Out of 15 eggs set we are the proud parents of 1 Buff named "Forest" (run forest run) sorry got sidetracked. Here he is just seconds out of the eggloo. Not sure what time he hatched but the pic was at 9 am this morning..

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Oh yeah, I always have sinus pills nearby. It's just one of those things. Since the birds are usually outside, I only get the headaches when we have babies in the brooders so I usually forget about it until then. lol

Thank you about the chicks! I'll be sure to pass on the sentiment!

By the way, you should write a how-to book on incubating! You've been positively priceless with your help!

I have to take allergy pills all year long too. In the spring I use spray too.

I have been thinking about working on a hatching book or guide. I am so happy that I was able to help!

So we are hatching for our second time. Our first (10 eggs) was a 100% hatch rate which hatched on Dec. 23rd & 24th but on our second hatch (15 eggs) there are 10 that hatched starting yesterday (New Years Eve) at 10am and 5 are remaining.

1 of the 5 has had a partial zipper since yesterday evening but no further action. It's breathing is shallow and barely moving a wing but that's it. Do we help it? Let it be?

Since the other 4 have no cracks is it ok to open the bator or will that cause their sacks to shrink around them and perhaps risk losing them?

See the picture below for the partially zippered egg I'm referring to.

It is fine to get that chick out. I would give it a drop of poly vi sol without iron twice a day. It is sold with the vitamins.

The trick it to work quickly but safely while the lid is off. Get a spry bottle with clean warm water in it and spray twice but not on the eggs. You can also drop a couple of wet wadded up paper towels into the incubator. The humidity will recover quickly that way.

I hope the chick makes it!
all of my chicks hatched !!!!! AND I have a rainbow bunch a blue/silver one a black one a yellow one with a skunk stripe, a orangy yellow one and the last one a choclate yelly one!! the last one hatched EXACTLY 21 days and 15 minutes after I set them on the 11th at 12:15
all of my chicks hatched !!!!! AND I have a rainbow bunch a blue/silver one a black one a yellow one with a skunk stripe, a orangy yellow one and the last one a choclate yelly one!! the last one hatched EXACTLY 21 days and 15 minutes after I set them on the 11th at 12:15
That is great!

What was the total?
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I sat 450, 2 weeks worth from my own birds. I've moved 120 chicks to the brooder so far, but there are still a lot more in incubator.

wow !!!!! I would be in heaven...... some day
I would love to hatch, keep a few and send the rest off..... I'll keep dreaming.

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