7 week chick - shaking head and gagging


7 Years
Feb 27, 2012
Inland Empire, Southern California
My Coop
My Coop
Ok so my 7 week old has been shaking her head for awhile but not as much as today. I also noticed her gagging. She eats and drinks, weight seems good. Nothing abnormal other then shaking head and gagging. She doesn't seem impacted either. We looked in her mouth to see if there is gapeworms but couldn't see anything. So now what? Should I still give her wormer? She's been outside twice on the ground since she came home with me at 2 days old. What should I use if I worm her? Thanks!
I'm not an expert but with her limited exposure to the outside I doubt its worms.

I suspect shes probably having a problem with something not wanting to pass through her crop. I had the same problem with one of my smaller hens. I manually expressed her crop several times then after giving her some bread soaked in olive oil the problem was fixed.

Again.. I'm not an expert... but mine was acting the same way and this is what worked for me.

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