7 Week Old Bantys & 8 week old Brahma


9 Years
Apr 19, 2010
I am very curious about gender, breed would be lovely but I'm satisfied just knowing who the boys are at this point. Thank you!

#1 Slightly aggressive


#3 Also slightly aggressive

#4 Least Aggressive, last to go to food



#7 8-week-old Brahma, feathered out funky with webbed feet (no breeding at this coop anyway) Roo?? He is aggressive and his two sibs are gigantic and fully feathered...

I agree - a Blue, a Black Mottled, and a Red. Right now, it looks like #3 is could go either way (I suspect roo, but I've been wrong with mine!), and #1 and #2 look like girls to me. My Cochin pullets of the same age are much fluffier than your chicks right now - yours are feathered in about the same (actually, less) as all my little roos, but mine came from a private breeder working with show stock, so they're going to be super-puffy to begin with. Cochins are a pain to sex.

I don't know about the rest of them - I couldn't even tell you the breed!
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1# Blue cochin Bantam Female
2# Black Mottled cochin bantam female
3# Red Cochin bantam Male
4# Stumper, maybe a mottled Jap female???
5# Spangled OEGB female
6# Silver campine patterned OEGB or maybe a silver campine...
7# Dark Brahma Female
You DO NOT know how long I waited for an answer to these, thank you, thank you, thank you. I suspected Cochins but don't know enough to trust myself. OE means Old English? Off to find them in my book. You really think the oddball is a girl?? Thank you SOOO much, gosh I'm gonna have a lotta eggs.
#7, the brahma is definitely an oddball, I'm guessing pullet for sure, but not a dark brahma at all. Dark brahmas do not feather out like that. Perhaps a mix of light brahma and something else. I seem to remember reading of a breed with webbed feet, but can't remember which one. Anyhow, just wanted to let you know not a dark brahma.
Thanks again, yes I bought the three as Light Brahmas and this one is goofy all the way around, I'm happy to have so many females but pretty shocked. I'm sure to have friends who are entertained by this quick and humongous project turned obsession...geez.
Something killed all of these last night, I am so devastated. Their pen was reinforced with long fence posts and whatever it was was able to move them and dig underneath. I thought that they were safe since they're right next to my sliding doors and deck. I am very shaken today and so crushed.

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