7 week old chick has curled toes.


9 Years
Jul 14, 2010
New Boston, NH
Hello, I just noticed today that the 7 week old arucana chick's toes are curled around. Both of them on each foot. I did not notice this before. She is walking on these odd feet for now. As a young chick, all 14 chicks I got seemed OK.. so this is odd.. Anyone have any ideas? What can I do for her?
Curled toes happens because of either a deficiency, usually in the hen that laid the egg or in the chick as it grows, or improper incubation temperatures. It can also be genetic. I'm not sure if they can be fixed. I've had a few that did okay.
I had this exact thing happen to me as well. I was so nervous I would have a lame chicken, but I decided to give it Save-A-Chick electrolytes because I had heard it was due to a riboflavin (I think) deficiency and sure enough in a couple days it had completely resolved itself. I hope your chick gets better!
I'm not sure but I've heard that you can trace the chicks foot on a piece of cardboard and cut out what you traced, put the chicks foot on top and use something like tape (?) to attach it and that should help straighten the toes. That being said, the posts above have good info such as riboflavin deficiency and how it can be caused.

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