7 week old rooster ID


5 Years
Jun 5, 2014
I have a flock of 17 Lt buff Brahmas. I'm supposed to have 16 pullets and one cockerel, I have been having a hard time IDing the cockerel, but I think I may have found him. This is the chicken that comes over to check me out almost every time I go near the yard, the comb is a little redder on this one and it's a little more upright. I have a picture so I can get a 2d, 3d... opinion.



I have a flock of 17 Lt buff Brahmas. I'm supposed to have 16 pullets and one cockerel, I have been having a hard time IDing the cockerel, but I think I may have found him. This is the chicken that comes over to check me out almost every time I go near the yard, the comb is a little redder on this one and it's a little more upright. I have a picture so I can get a 2d, 3d... opinion.



Its hard to tell with that photo, possibly a photo of a side view would be more helpful, close up on the head, saddle feathers etc...
I am not too familiar with this breed but I would guess you are on the right track. The males will kind of start what I call guarding behavior as in they check you out and kind of try to block your approach to the girls. Also, could just be the photo, but he looks a bit larger than the others. Can't see too much of the others combs, but yes, red early generally means boy. Good luck and I hope a Brahma expert chimes in soon.

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