7 week olds laying...?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 9, 2012
SE Wisconsin
Yesterday my son went out to the coop and announced proudly, "Mom, we have 2 eggs". Now, knowing that our chicks are only 7 weeks old, I knew this just couldn't be. However, I am a newbie..so maybe? I thought a minute, and asked the color of eggs, as I knew mine would be brown when the day finally arrives. "White", he said, and "covered in poop". Humm. Someone has been in the hen house and is certainly playing a joke on me. I had an idea who. Hours later, the culprit came to visit and was oh so interested in the chickens, odd. Apparently while we were away, she has placed 2 eggs in the coop. Not wanting her to have the upper hand, I loudly announced to my son, in her ear range, "Grab 2 eggs from the coop, I need to make brownies, we've been able to gather about a dozen eggs so far". Well, she knew she'd been busted right then and there. The whole neighborhood could hear the laughter. I did advise her that we will have BROWN eggs when the time comes!

My son likes to sometimes put an egg on the couch/bed and call me, all exited "Mom, look! I laid an egg!"

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