8 Month old female Mallard but no eggs


Sep 17, 2013
Salem, or
I have two mallards. One is a disabled drake and the other is a normal female. They are both indoor, outdoor ducks. During the day Delilah is free to roam our backyard and forage as she pleases but at night she sleeps inside with Ferdinand in a spare bedroom with food and water. We have not found any eggs in our backyard and we are worried about why she wouldn't be producing eggs by 8 months. Any tips?
Mine were born at the end of February, and starting laying in late August I believe. They quit sometime in October though. One seemed to start laying pretty easily, but the smaller one was having trouble. She was sitting a LOT, and almost waddling the little bit that she did walk. Since the other girl had already laid an egg, I kinda figured that's what was wrong with her, so I took her in and let her soak in a warm bath all evening and overnight, and fed her dandelion leaves and added some calcium to her drinking water. Next morning she was energetic and perky, and there was an egg in the tub. :)
Strange. Will calcium harm my little boy? They don't always share so I could put different bowls for her. She isn't doing the sitting thing. Now that it is fall/winter she probably won't until spring. Being first time duck parents is scary!
Strange. Will calcium harm my little boy? They don't always share so I could put different bowls for her. She isn't doing the sitting thing. Now that it is fall/winter she probably won't until spring. Being first time duck parents is scary!
To keep from feeding my drakes roosters and gander more calcium than they need, I feed and All Flock and put oyster shell out in a separate bowl for my layers. They will eat it when they need it.

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