8 Week Old Bantam Cochin/Silkie Cross


10 Years
Nov 10, 2010
Anyone have pictures or advise about bantam Cochin/silkie cross as far as when gender will display and what hen combs will look like? We were not expecting chicks this year, but COVID Quarantine started and 4 hens decided that they just had to Quarantine too...by hatching eggs. No matter that a coon blinded the standard sized roo. The cute young bantam Cochin was up to the job.

The first hatching was easy to tell. 4 out of 5 were boys and the pullet was a different breed (half polish) and was obviously a hen early on. The 2nd and 3rd hatching have a mix of eggs from various hens. I still don't know what breed 2 of the chicks are. But 3 were silky. They all look identical. So far no comb or waddle development. I feel like the older silky roos had red combs and waddles starting by now, but I didn't document it. The EE and Polish cross have had big red combs for a few weeks. Could I possibly have the luck of all these younger silky/Cochin cross being pullets when the first go round were all cockerels? That would be something. They are the absolute cutest fluff balls I have ever seen.
Anyone have pictures or advise about bantam Cochin/silkie cross as far as when gender will display and what hen combs will look like? We were not expecting chicks this year, but COVID Quarantine started and 4 hens decided that they just had to Quarantine too...by hatching eggs. No matter that a coon blinded the standard sized roo. The cute young bantam Cochin was up to the job.

The first hatching was easy to tell. 4 out of 5 were boys and the pullet was a different breed (half polish) and was obviously a hen early on. The 2nd and 3rd hatching have a mix of eggs from various hens. I still don't know what breed 2 of the chicks are. But 3 were silky. They all look identical. So far no comb or waddle development. I feel like the older silky roos had red combs and waddles starting by now, but I didn't document it. The EE and Polish cross have had big red combs for a few weeks. Could I possibly have the luck of all these younger silky/Cochin cross being pullets when the first go round were all cockerels? That would be something. They are the absolute cutest fluff balls I have ever seen.
Hi, helping out answering unanswered threads! Sorry I do not know much about this cross. Try posting again or adding photos of the ones you are concerned about. People love guessing genders on this forum!:)
These are my 2 month - about ten weeks - silkie-cochin crossbred chicks. I have a total of six but three out of the six are "blue" coloring like their cochin mom. I had five silkie-roos that could have sired them so I can't say for sure "who's the daddy."



I was able to make out the gender pretty accurately at 3-4 weeks; the boys began to develop waddles and combs more distinctively, which is still apparent at 2 months (you can make them out in the pics).


The picture above is them at 3 weeks with their cochin mom and partridge-silkie grandma. They predominantly have cochin feathering but all of them have silkie toes!

I hope this helped.

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