8 week old Buff Orp badly injured- head and under wing injury! HELP!


9 Years
Apr 22, 2010
My husband found one of our buff orp's (Sunny) with her head stuck between a board with a string caught around her neck. Looks as though she struggled for some time to get loose and ripped the skin and feathers from the top of her head to the bottom of her neck.
My husband freed her immediately and she seems to walk fine, her eyes are not injured (although it came REALLY CLOSE to her right eye). She also has a bleeding injury underneath her wing. I cleansed both wounds thoroughly with saline/salt solution and then applied Wonder Dust. Can anyone give me any more advice on what to do for her? I'm sending my husband to the store for pedialyte and aspirin to dilute in her water. Poor baby...we just love our chickens and hate to see her in such pain and distress.
Bring her in where it's dark, warm and quiet, put some Neosporin without pain reliever on her injuries and add some electrolytes to her water and feed her some special stuff like yogurt or mashed boiled egg.
I'm sure she is incredibley stressed right now so the electrolytes will help that.
Good luck and hope she does OK for you.

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