8+ week old Olive Egger acting weird


Mar 17, 2018
Statesboro, Georgia
I went out to the coop this morning to let the pullets into the run with the big girls and noticed our Olive Egger, Rey, was not running with the others three pullets- in fact she was laying down, head buried into wing. She roused a little when I persisted but is keeping one eye closed (white lid) and when I hold her she is very limp. I have isolated her, given her electrolyte water, and hard boiled egg, neither of which she wants. She just sort of “melts” down into a wonky laying position. All other chickens are acting fine. She is vaccinated and they have only had medicated start n grow feed since birth. Ideas? Thoughts? I am hesitant to throw and antibiotic at her since she has only ever had medicated feed - and I haven’t been able to find out if coccidiosis is possible since she’s on medicated feed. That’s 8 weeks of medication - and would t it be weird for just her to get it- or get it at all?

many other thoughts?
How do her droppings look? Vaccinated for what? If they were vaccinated for coccidiosis then medicated feed negates the vaccine.
It is possible for them to get coccidiosis even when on medicated feed. The feed contains a very small amount of amprolium, intended to keep the coccidia numbers low enough that they can build immunity without becoming sick. But it can still happen, and for an outbreak you would need to treat with the full strength medication. I would go ahead and treat with Corid, it's very safe and won't do any harm even if it were something else. Corid is not an antibiotic, it treats by mimicing thiamine which the coccidia need to survive. You can use either the liquid or the powder form (usually found in the cattle/livestock section) dosing is in the chart below, use the severe outbreak dosing. I would also give her some orally to get the meds in her quickly, do that in addition to the medicated water. Dosing for that is here:
If she is not drinking on her own, try to get some of the medicated water in her several times during the day.
How do her droppings look? Vaccinated for what? If they were vaccinated for coccidiosis then medicated feed negates the vaccine.
It is possible for them to get coccidiosis even when on medicated feed. The feed contains a very small amount of amprolium, intended to keep the coccidia numbers low enough that they can build immunity without becoming sick. But it can still happen, and for an outbreak you would need to treat with the full strength medication. I would go ahead and treat with Corid, it's very safe and won't do any harm even if it were something else. Corid is not an antibiotic, it treats by mimicing thiamine which the coccidia need to survive. You can use either the liquid or the powder form (usually found in the cattle/livestock section) dosing is in the chart below, use the severe outbreak dosing. I would also give her some orally to get the meds in her quickly, do that in addition to the medicated water. Dosing for that is here:
If she is not drinking on her own, try to get some of the medicated water in her several times during the day.
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Also— she hasn’t pooped yet since I saw her this morning and removed her

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