8 weekers ready to go out?


In the Brooder
Jan 23, 2019
My first flock of chicks i got in the summer, and i have 11 8 week old chicks in a brooder, however I want to move them outside. I live in Maryland where we have snow today. We were planning on building a coop for them this weekend if it’s safe for them to go outside.
Have they been off supplemental heat? Have they been exposed to cooler temperatures, where you are keeping them now? If they have, you could put a huddle box in your coop and they should be fine. They may not use it and just huddle in a corner, but I would have one for them.
Are they right inside your house? It's tough for any animal to go from room temperature to winter. You need a plan to get them used to being in the cold- an unheated garage, or start with short periods outside and work your way up. They should have adequate feathers, but need to get acclimated for their own safety.
Wow, building a coop in a weekend you must have some serious skills, please post pics of your weekend coop when you get it done. Yes, they should be ready for outside at 8 weeks.


I wasn’t looking for a snide comment back. But thank you.
My first flock of chicks i got in the summer, and i have 11 8 week old chicks in a brooder, however I want to move them outside. I live in Maryland where we have snow today. We were planning on building a coop for them this weekend if it’s safe for them to go outside.
Where are you currently housing them? What's that temperature like?
What's the current outdoor temps for you?

Even if it's too cold right now or you find that you need to transition/acclimate them to your outdoor temperatures, it would be good to go ahead and get you coop build under way. Having that ready will make all the difference in the world. If nothing else you can put them out during the day so they have more room, some fresh air and sunshine.

Do you have photos of your chicks? Any plans for how you will build the coop?

Wow, building a coop in a weekend you must have some serious skills, please post pics of your weekend coop when you get it done. Yes, they should be ready for outside at 8 weeks.
I wasn’t looking for a snide comment back. But thank you.
whoa! Wait!
I just re-read this, Gary was not making a snide comment:confused:
We would love to see your coop build.
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Maybe i misinterpreted the comment. But from my point of view he was saying that it couldn’t be done. We aren’t making something huge.

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