8 weeks too young to butcher Jersey Giant/ Wellsummer Roosters?


12 Years
May 11, 2007
I bought a bunch of fertile eggs locally. I was told the 80% would probably be males. I live in the Burbs so I can't have any roosters.
My plan was to butcher them before they start to crow, which I gather is around 6-8 weeks. My conundrum is this. Will the roosters be way to small too small at 8 weeks old to butcher? Should I pass them on to another person who would either use them as a rooster or eat them when they are a better size? What are your thoughts?
Jersey giants are one of the slowest maturing chickens. Broilers are ready that quick, because they are bred to grow super quick! I dont know about wellsummers. Ship me the jersey giant and Ill keep him as a pet.
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My 6.5 week old Barred Rock Roo has less meat on him than a chicken McNugget. I've never raised JG or Wellsummers but I can't imagine they would be worth much till at least 15 weeks.

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