8 year old pekin duck cant walk very well. This isn't an emergency I just need advice.

I've seen the 'Now' stuff recommended before on another website but I wanted to find out if that's the best option or not.

Around the time I was using yeast I read that some brands don't contain the right kind/amount of B vitamins, but from what research I could do I don't think that's an issue with 'Now'. I wasn't crazy about the price, or the mess, but I felt comfortable it was helping my ducks hit their niacin requirements when I couldn't find their usual duck pellets for a week or two.
Around the time I was using yeast I read that some brands don't contain the right kind/amount of B vitamins, but from what research I could do I don't think that's an issue with 'Now'. I wasn't crazy about the price, or the mess, but I felt comfortable it was helping my ducks hit their niacin requirements when I couldn't find their usual duck pellets for a week or two.
I'll ask my mom to look for the 'Now' stuff the next time she goes shopping.
Well, I'm still going to try finding those niacin supplements, being honest I forgot about some of the stuff covered in this thread like the Now niacin supplement or whatever it's called.

Sadly, Angel passed away yesterday 29-09-23. She seemed quite healthy outwardly shed been getting her new feathers in and was kind of walking well a few weeks ago.
About last week I noticed she was losing weight but I mostly chaulked that up to her possibly not getting enough food now that there are five ducklings who are not so small anymore and possibly ate a lot of before she could. A few days ago I was handling Angel and I she was really light and wasn't really moving her head much and just kind of rested her bill in my hand when I held it near her, I also noticed her eyes looked a bit smaller in a sense, I didn't think to much of it though.

With those things in mind though I was thinking she not gonna make it past the winter, I suspected she would go in a few months or more, I didn't think it would be so soon I really wanted to try getting her on some daily niacin supplements, and see if that would help her walk better.

I think she was just old and things were naturally just not working anymore, I just wish I could or would have done more for her when I could. I kind of feel like I failed her I really wanted her last few years to be comfortable and for her to be able to walk with ease.

Least she won't be in any discomfort anymore.

I was in town when she passed my siblings found her laying in one of the many areas she usaully hung out, which is an area the other ducks are the most. She ate that morning if I recall correctly and acted quite normal, I'm thinking she passed at around 2:00pm or 3:00pm she was found at about 4:00pm.

I hope she was comfortable in her last moments, she lived a long time and had always been free ranging during the day and since the ducklings they've all been let to stay out at night too, they all appreciate that. And I'm sure Angel really liked being out at night.
Rest in peice Angel, I will always remember you and I'm greatful to have had you in my life for so long, I will miss your quack in the mornings at feeding time, I'll miss you splashing water on me when you swim and play in the water.

I hope to give the ducks that are still here with me the best I can and hopefully they will all continue to live well and long. And I wish that for everyone's animals too. I hope everyone is having a great day or night
Mine was 13 lbs we had to put him down because he was so massively overweight he was having to use his wings to walk like he was on crutches :( I hope yours gets better
Mine was 13 lbs we had to put him down because he was so massively overweight he was having to use his wings to walk like he was on crutches :( I hope yours gets better
Angel passed yesterday, thank you for the well wishes though. Angel was never really to heavy I think the problem was mostly her legs and not her weight of course her weight would create more problems. Angel used her wings to get around a lot too.
I'm sorry about your drake that must've been rough
Angel passed yesterday, thank you for the well wishes though. Angel was never really to heavy I think the problem was mostly her legs and not her weight of course her weight would create more problems. Angel used her wings to get around a lot too.
I'm sorry about your drake that must've been rough
We got another and he’s soooo cute hopefully he won’t get as big as Ping did. Ping was a rescue . He was living in a 2 foot by 20 inch box when we found him with other ducks! Like standing room only. It was a wonder he was alive at all. I’m glad we were able to have him for as long as we did because he had the run of our yard. His litter mates are doing well though blue Swedes.
Well, I'm still going to try finding those niacin supplements, being honest I forgot about some of the stuff covered in this thread like the Now niacin supplement or whatever it's called.

Sadly, Angel passed away yesterday 29-09-23. She seemed quite healthy outwardly shed been getting her new feathers in and was kind of walking well a few weeks ago.
About last week I noticed she was losing weight but I mostly chaulked that up to her possibly not getting enough food now that there are five ducklings who are not so small anymore and possibly ate a lot of before she could. A few days ago I was handling Angel and I she was really light and wasn't really moving her head much and just kind of rested her bill in my hand when I held it near her, I also noticed her eyes looked a bit smaller in a sense, I didn't think to much of it though.

With those things in mind though I was thinking she not gonna make it past the winter, I suspected she would go in a few months or more, I didn't think it would be so soon I really wanted to try getting her on some daily niacin supplements, and see if that would help her walk better.

I think she was just old and things were naturally just not working anymore, I just wish I could or would have done more for her when I could. I kind of feel like I failed her I really wanted her last few years to be comfortable and for her to be able to walk with ease.

Least she won't be in any discomfort anymore.

I was in town when she passed my siblings found her laying in one of the many areas she usaully hung out, which is an area the other ducks are the most. She ate that morning if I recall correctly and acted quite normal, I'm thinking she passed at around 2:00pm or 3:00pm she was found at about 4:00pm.

I hope she was comfortable in her last moments, she lived a long time and had always been free ranging during the day and since the ducklings they've all been let to stay out at night too, they all appreciate that. And I'm sure Angel really liked being out at night.
Rest in peice Angel, I will always remember you and I'm greatful to have had you in my life for so long, I will miss your quack in the mornings at feeding time, I'll miss you splashing water on me when you swim and play in the water.

I hope to give the ducks that are still here with me the best I can and hopefully they will all continue to live well and long. And I wish that for everyone's animals too. I hope everyone is having a great day or night
I'm so sorry for your loss :(:hugs
I hope our duckies are keeping each other company in the here after ❤️❤️
That's a lovelie thought!
I like to think she is able fly and has the ability to swim in all kinds of lakes and ponds now and can do whatever she couldn't before!

I'm sure your duck was really happy to have experienced being under your care, wishing all your other duck and pets good health, and good luck!

Here's a few of my favorite photos of Angel

Angel next to Haru

Angel with Chiharu my first and oldest duck after a big storm early in the morning

In the bottom photo Angel is behind the preening black duckling.

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