8wks Old - Gender Opinions?


13 Years
May 7, 2009
Hillsborough NC

I got some fertile eggs from a friend for my broody who hatched out 3 chicks exactly 8 wks ago today. The solid black one is a Australorp/Plymouth Rock mix. The other 2 are Barnevelder/Plymouth Rock mixes. I'm sure the Barnie mixes are a girl & a boy. I was sure the Aussie mix was a girl from the day she hatched, very small & always staying very close to Mama. But now her comb has started getting pinker & bigger than the other definite girl. It isn't as big or as pink as the definite Roo so it has me puzzled.

The pictures aren't the best as I have a hard time catching them not scratching & they refuse to stand still. The one in question is the black one in front. The one in the background in the middle is definitely a Roo & I'm sure the one to his left is a girl.

This is another picture of the black one, but it's a bit blurry.

Thanks for any input.
I'm on the fence about this one. On one hand it looks girly to me but then it seems like that's a lot of pink in the comb for an 8 week old bird. I would suspect rooster but give it some time.
I'm on the fence about this one. On one hand it looks girly to me but then it seems like that's a lot of pink in the comb for an 8 week old bird. I would suspect rooster but give it some time.

Thanks, you expressed my thoughts exactly. I have been saying the same thing to my husband - looks girly but that comb has me wondering. Not planning on rehoming anyone until we know for sure. We are actually thinking of keeping a Roo if he is nice, but obviously can't keep 2.
X2 on the potential roo, the round shape is girly, but that is an awful lot of pink comb and wattle for an eight week old girl.
Guess it is going to keep me guessing for a few more weeks. I did have a pure Australorp a few years ago that I was sure was a boy that turned out to be a beautiful hen. I'm hoping that's the case with this one.

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