9 month old hen

It could be Mycosis aka Vent Gleet. Fill a tub with warm water high enough to submerge the bird's rear end while it is standing. Mix some shampoo or dish soap in the water. Make sure the water is very warm, not too hot, because you'll have to soak her for a few minutes to loosen the dried manure.

Put some rubber gloves on and get busy cleaning that crap off. When you get the area clean, and rinsed, wrap the hen in a towel to absorb the moisture. Keep the bird in a warm room if it is a cold day out.

Take 1 oz of molasses and mix with a quart of water. Let the bird drink it for no more than 4 hours. This is to flush any bad stuff out of the intestines. Follow up with 1/4 teaspoon of copper sulfate per gallon of water for no more than 3 days.You could use Medistatin, but you won't find that at a local feed store and you don't want to put off treatment. Follow up with Probios soluble powder in the water with vitamins-electrolytes for a couple days. Feed regular lay crumbles or pellets and avoid extras.

Keep her vent area clean daily. You can use Oxine or Chlorhexidine to keep the vent area clean on a daily basis. Untreated baby wipes work well soaked in the solution.

If you see any necrotic tissue, it should peel off easily. If it doesn't and is just irritated, be sure to use some Monistat (miconozole)cream on the area. It is an antifungal that will prevent infection. Use a glove and gently poke a bit in the vent.

Flies love to find a wound and lay eggs in it, so it is important to keep the area clean and spray the feathers around the vent with a permethrin spray after cleaning.

Sounds like much work, but it is only a few minutes a day. Let us know if you need more help and how your hen is doing.
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I submerged her in water up to her shoulders and cleaned it but it came back and tbh (TO BE HONEST) I have no idea what any of that stuff is u mentiond ..

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