9 week old black pullets from tractor supply


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 11, 2013
Magnolia, Texas, USA
Well Originally I thought I had some different breeds but now that they are nine weeks old they are looking very similar. So my original opinion was that they were black sex links/black stars. However, there is this one guy who has jowls
and a bright red breast and tiny spur nubs. I am suspicious he is A COCKRELL Who agrees? isn't this a boy? And if so what breed? ONe black chick has a pea comb with one dot of red on her hind quarters

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So my 10 week old Americauna Pullet CROWED this morning and is much larger than the 3 other pullets that I got from our local farm store. I am guessing a Cockrell also. Is there a way to make sure? Also I really only want laying hens, any suggetions on what to do with Vincent (formerly Violet until this morning)?
Well Vincent will ward off the bad guys and you can eat him later if you are so inclined But they will warn the girls to take cover when need be and sacrifice themselves for the girls against predators while the ladies take cover. Not such a bad deal. If you decide you do not want a male you can give him away to someone who needs a guard chicken or food.

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