9 week olds


May 30, 2019
New Hampshire
Hi all,
I’m new to raising chickens, and started with dayolds in the house in March — now out in a small coop while I build a bigger one. I have 2 NH reds and two Plymouth rocks. One started crowing last week, so I guess one’s not quite the lady I expected.

I have questions about what to do with the cockerel... if I’m raising the hens for eggs, does this complicate things unnecessarily (should
I just rehome?)
Welcome to BYC, so glad you've joined us.
Wanting the hens for eggs does not preclude keeping a male. Fertilized eggs that are not incubated are no different than unfertilized eggs. To prevent incubation simply collect eggs daily.
That said.... are you allowed roosters where you live?
Raising and maintaining a good male can be tricky for a newbie, and a bad one can ruin the whole experience for the keeper.
Only you can decide if you want to keep him.
Hi and welcome to BYC and congrats on your new hobby.

Here are some links to key resources:

Best wishes

Pork Pie
Welcome to BYC! Your hens will lay tasty eggs with or without a rooster. Yes, check if you are allowed to have one where you live. They are useful for protecting the hens and watching for predators. I wish I could have one here, but I cannot. That said, I've heard a lot of advice that there are too many roosters available to ever put up with a bad one.

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