9 Week Partridge Plymouth Rock - pullet or cockerel??


7 Years
Apr 5, 2012
Hi, this is Ruby. She is about 9 weeks old, and her comb has been developing faster than my other chicks. I'm hoping maybe that is just the difference in breed. Does anyone have an idea if she might be a rooster? Thank you!!
I think it's a pullet, her plumage would be different if she were a roo. We'll see what others think
Thank you so much for the feedback, everyone! I am so happy to hear she is a she :)
I have Partridge Rocks and I have noticed that their combs come in much earlier and larger than some other breeds. I could have sworn all of mine were cockerals, but out of 25 only 1 was actually a roo. You can not tell pullets from cockerals in PRs by color until their adult feathers come in.
However, that comb does look rather pink to me to be a pullet. I wouldn't worry about size as much as that if it were a pullet, it should still be tan, not bright pink. BTW, PR roosters are SO beautiful. Here is mine, he is also the nicest, calmest rooster I have ever owned:

Well shoot - now I'm back to the waiting game :)

Your roo is stunning. I have noticed how good looking PR roos are. Is your boy very noisy? I live in town, but I actually looked back at the city code lately and noticed that it does not say you can't have roosters - it only says you can't have an animal that makes a sound at odd hours of the day that annoys your neighbors. My closest neighbor would love for me to have a rooster, my other neighbor is hard of hearing, so I would only have a few more convince. I've never had a rooster so I have no guage for how much noise he might make.
My roo is actually pretty quiet....for a roo. He does like to "sing" early in the mornings, but once I let him out of the barn, about 8:00, he is very quiet for the rest of the day. He is a very very good watchroo, polite to his ladies, and has never challenged me. He is just over a year old.
PULLET! I have 4 just like her. I also have 2 roos. They are now 13 weeks old. We were guessing roos? at week 3 and knew for sure by week 5-6. Will try to post pics later today. Of my 2 roos, 1 loves to crow in the morning sometimes at 5 am and sometimes not until 8 am (thank you!). Sometimes 4 - 5 times, sometimes off and on for 2 hours (ugh!). He is the Alpha roo. My second roo is very quiet. He has a partial crow... er - er ... that is the same volume (or less) as the hens. He is sweet and loves to cuddle...runs up to me, sits beside me, and wants me to pet him. Please let us know the outcome because if it is a roo, you'll find my socks across the street from being knocked off.

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