A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.



Well, six weeks ago I was worried about spotty brood and not having the plastic comb drawn out. I'm not sure what has happened, but I now have two boxes, with comb drawn out on five frames in the top box. There's lots of brood and capped honey. I think I'm getting to the point of adding a honey super! I was told not to expect honey the first year, so this is amazing.
Thanks. It's sure nice to go out there and hear the thrumming of the colony going about its normal routine. I got my nuc from Sunrise Honey Company in Clayton, WA in April. The queen was not productive in the first 4-6 weeks. I don't know whether they superseded her or what, but they're going great now.
Sunrise Honey is within driving range for me, so we went to pick them up. The five frames came in a white, ventilated, waxed box and were easily transferable to the hive.
They probably superceded the queen. They buy their queens and stick the queen into the nuc and sell it. I'm out of Spokane. We sell nucs in the spring also. If you need bees send me a message.

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