A bird haunting...not for faint of heart..

That's one determined bird you have there.
Used to have Mockingbirds in the neighborhood that would dive-bomb people who walked too close to their nests. Had to convince the local cats that the Mockingbirds tasted like chicken....issue resolved...
Had to put out barbeque sauce once in awhile, though. Finicky, like Morris.
That's one determined bird you have there.
Used to have Mockingbirds in the neighborhood that would dive-bomb people who walked too close to their nests. Had to convince the local cats that the Mockingbirds tasted like chicken....issue resolved...
Had to put out barbeque sauce once in awhile, though. Finicky, like Morris.

I am allergic to cats.
Just call your local Rent-A-Cat...it's in the yellow pages under "Exterminators".....
We don't have many pet cats running around up in my neck of the woods...most people own dogs.
How would I capture him?  How would I get food to him? How would I clean the cage?

These things would have to be done without him touching me. I do not want the Zombie virus.

Good questions. But you will want to do this before he infects others.

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