A bird haunting...not for faint of heart..

Suddenly, I realize why NFC has recently employed Bam Bam, the Battle Cat - everyone "in the know" is familiar with their efficiency at keeping homes and businesses jackalope-free.
Suddenly, I realize why NFC has recently employed Bam Bam, the Battle Cat - everyone "in the know" is familiar with their efficiency at keeping homes and businesses jackalope-free.


Let's hope it works!
If you see any jackalopes, you have every right to take him to task about lying down on the job (well, come to think if it, he's a cat, they do that anyway)

Maybe Ralphie could employ one to defend his home?

On second thought, that might not be a good idea - zombieism seems to be contagious to cats:
You all know me as being reasonable and loaded with common sense and taking things in stride and never getting carried away with anything. I appreciate how you all seek me out to learn the little things you need to get through you lives.

I never have a problem telling you the simple facts...

But today I need your help......

I was stared at by a rose breasted Grossbeak for over 5 minutes. It just sat there and gave me the evil eye. I am starting to worry. Are the wild birds here all infected with Zombism or whatever it is they have??

Or am I being a tad paranoid? As I read that last line I realize how silly that sounds...

I think deep in your heart you already know that this yet another reincarnated duck seeking revenge. You might do a quick calculation of how many ducks you've wronged just to see how many more are gonna start coming for you.

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