A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

My chickens and turkeys do not seem the realize they are different species. Some hang together some have BFF's of the other species. 

I just picked up on of my BBB who weighs close to 20 pounds, to check his breast and crop. He screamed and cried like a baby.  One of my young (3-4 month old) roosters who hardly looks like a rooster came to his rescue, and he weighs all of 3 pounds.  I am going to keep him though. He is a BA and I lost my BA rooster, I like his moxy to try and protect other birds. Besides he has a beautiful sheen to his feathers.

Turkules' best bud is my barred rock hen, they go everywhere together. She got very upset with us when we wrapped his wing up last night - he was well behaved for the quick wing wrap, she kicked up an indignant ruckus on his behalf :rolleyes: The chicken hens treat him like one of the girls, so that's what he thinks he is.... no wonder he didn't learn to display and gobble until 5 months old lol.
Aw, poor guy - getting picked on by the chickens lol. Mine sometimes has that problem too, seems like he doesn't realize that he is bigger than them and doesn't have to put up with it :p

That's it exactly! SilkieSensation suggested a saddle for the one being picked on. I think I need a tube sock for his long neck! A sweatshirt sleeve maybe...off to find an old sweatshirt to cut up...

Go with something very light weight if you try this. You don't want him over heating. Maybe a long sleeved t-shirt sleeve instead of a heavy sweatshirt.
So I have a problem with pecking and pulling too. When Dinner is proudly displaying his feathers, which is most of the day now, the other two turkeys peck under his tail feathers. They even pulled a couple out. What on earth is this about?

Banshee (the other tom) also lightly, but still hard enough that you can see a bit of damage to the tips, pecks at the hen's tails. Well, there are only two that let him do it. Jumper, the head hen, attacked him for it.
I have no idea what is going on.

We don't have mites or fleas or anything. I don't know why the turkeys do this.

Last night, I got Dinner to chase me around the yard. He wanted to play. The other two joined in with a lot of wing flapping, which attracted the dog. I am sure I resembled an escapee from the loony bin, but it was worth it. They had so much fun!
MM Understanding turkeys will take me a lifetime.

JJ refuses to let us hold or pick up "sidekick". If another bird gets too close to us he runs it off. Sidekick and JJ go around and around all day long chasing each others tails and snoods.

They are brutal to each other. The younger ones pull each others snoods to the point I can feel the pain.
So I have a problem with pecking and pulling too.  When Dinner is proudly displaying his feathers, which is most of the day now, the other two turkeys peck under his tail feathers.  They even pulled a couple out.  What on earth is this about?

Banshee (the other tom) also lightly, but still hard enough that you can see a bit of damage to the tips, pecks at the hen's tails.  Well, there are only two that let him do it.  Jumper, the head hen, attacked him for it.
I have no idea what is going on.

We don't have mites or fleas or anything.  I don't know why the turkeys do this.

Last night, I got Dinner to chase me around the yard.  He wanted to play.  The other two joined in with a lot of wing flapping, which attracted the dog.  I am sure I resembled an escapee from the loony bin, but it was worth it.  They had so much fun!

The butt fluff pulling seems to be a sign of annoyance among my flock. If someone is showing off too much (usually the toms & roos) then someone (usually a hen) deflates their ego real quick by yanking a piece of butt fluff. Sometimes the girls just go straight for bare skin & give a good peck. I haven't seen it happen much to the hens unless 1 hen thinks another that's lower on the totem pole is out of line. It rwally just seems to be a part of the dominance display of the pecking order. I've seen roos get cut off mid crow by a yank on the tail & I've seen fully fluffed & strutting toms deflate instantly from a peck on the rear.
Well, I thought it might be a pecking order thing. But I also thought my turkey hoodlums might just be being ornery. As they usually are.

Last night, we had dinner on the back porch. We had some amazing sweet corn to go with our meal. Guess who showed up. But instead of being overtly rude, just tried to be "discreet" and hang out on the pergola.... as in, above our heads...

Smooth move you dang hoodlums! My mom ended up with a nice plop on her leg. I suppose that is better than her head.

Of course I got out the hose, pretended that spraying them deterred them from being on the deck, and went about eating. I think I give up.

Sorry, DH. There will forever be turkey poop on your favorite chair on the deck. As well as the BBQ and any other part of the deck that you might need to use and or step on. The turkeys are moving in too. Likely, you will no longer have a spot on the bed. Between the dog and turkeys, you will be on the couch. Oh, and we are having salad for Thanksgiving.
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Well, I thought it might be a pecking order thing.  But I also thought my turkey hoodlums might just be being ornery.  As they usually are. 

Last night, we had dinner on the back porch.  We had some amazing sweet corn to go with our meal.  Guess who showed up.  But instead of being overtly rude, just tried to be "discreet" and hang out on the pergola.... as in, above our heads...

Smooth move you dang hoodlums!  My mom ended up with a nice plop on her leg.  I suppose that is better than her head.

Of course I got out the hose, pretended that spraying them deterred them from being on the deck, and went about eating. I think I give up. 

Sorry, DH.  There will forever be turkey poop on your favorite chair on the deck.  As well as the BBQ and any other part of the deck that you might need to use and or step on.  The turkeys are moving in too.  Likely, you will no longer have a spot on the bed.  Between the dog and turkeys, you will be on the couch.  Oh, and we are having salad for Thanksgiving.

I love it lol! I've noticed that they think they are being "stealthy, subtle and sneaky" when they want something. They do sort of sneak in and become pets as opposed to livestock. I'm sure people think I'm nuts when I'm running around the yard with the turkey in chase or "peeping" at the babies - but what do they know!?!

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