A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I don't mind them too much. He's weird about certain noises though... feet rubbing on carpet makes his skin crawl. :barnie

I went out and bought locking washers for the feeder so it doesn't happen again when they empty it and try to climb inside the magical food delivery device.
Sorry, Photo bomb! You all did say you wanted some updated pictures :)

Azul. Slate? Mottled slate? Lavender?


Pirate (Harvest moon?)


Misty (Tri colored blue penciled palm)


Azul, Pirate, and Misty



Everyone in for the evening


I'm still in love with the way Pebbles' feathers shine!


Sweet Pea, Cuddles, and Princess all have new feathers in now But Mary is just starting



All three boys!


Thanksgiving on the left, My keeper on the right.


And just because everyone loves Miss Eve :)



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Hey guys! ive been on byc for years. i havent been so active lately and have just logged on today. i thought i might want to start talking to some turkey people. :) i have 3 royal palm turkeys that i have raised since they were days old. i got them around the end of may. they are my children basically and ive treated them as so :p has anyone ever read the book or seen the pbs special Illumination in the Flatwoods? I think it is such a good book, and i loved the idea that he documented everything, so i did the same with these guys. i raised turkeys one time before but i was much younger, so i didnt record as much. but now that they are about 6 months i cant wait to look back on all the memories. these six months went by so fast. i love raising turkeys. id love to hear all of your stories! :)

My story tonight is of a trouble making Juvenile delinquent. I went out to lock them up for the night. I as happy no turkeys on the fence.. I went to unhook the door and shut it..There he was resting in the middle of the bird netting like it was a hammock!

I had to go inside the coop..inside the run.... and push him towards the fence. He went the other way..

I finally got him pushed to the fence and then shoved him off the fence from the inside.... The door had closed to the coop during this time. (wind)..

I went out the door to run him in, he was standing there complaining and giving me the stink eye for not having the door open for him..

Why is it turkeys can try us so badly.....and think it is no big deal,,,,then when a little thing happens, like the door blows shut...They give me the stink eye??

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