A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Yes it's so aggravating! But Waylon is old and set in his ways, and a stubborn Pyrenees to boot. However, he has taught the pups to eat eggs. So the goat lot where the dogs are will be a bachelor area only for extra toms. I'm not risking turkey eggs. Lol

The Narragansett hen has created herself a nest about 12 feet from the fence offering the dogs just a glimpse of her eggs. Lol. They have been trying to dig out to get them. I should have named the pups Shovel and Digger. Luckily our soil is very rocky and made of a lot of sandstone so they don't get far before I'm patching holes with rocks.
Kinda sounds like me always trying to keep certain things in and others out.
For the chickens, they are encouraged to nest in their chicken house, where there is a chicken door. Zeus can't fit, but I have seen him try. He can fit his head, but not his shoulders, through the coop door. He has figured out how to break into the run , so I need to address that soon. He is a food and egg thief, but he doesn't hurt the birds.
The pups are in training with chickens and turkeys. We are never without a few casualties when training new pups. But they learn fast when they hurt something that belongs to us. A bird loss or two in the process of training a dog that will serve as a guardian for many years is a small price to pay. They're good girls. Just egg suckers thanks to Waylon. Lol
The light sweetgrass hen I have that is recovering from her injuries is healing well. However her eggs are very inconsistent in size and some are abnormally small. In the past few weeks she has laid a soft shelled egg, a double yolked egg, a no-yolked egg, some normal turkey sized eggs, and thw last eggs were a couple of chicken sized eggs. Has she possibly been damaged internally, or is the stress of her injuries causing the varying egg sizes? She eats and drinks well. She has the scabbing on her back and she still limps slightly but otherwise she is bright and alert, and appears to be doing well. Thoughts on her?

I don't plan in using her as a breeder, I will likely turn her out to free range permanently when she is fully healed. My Narragansett tom, Ruger, and his hen, Sassy are free ranging so she will join them. He is a perfect gentleman and doesn't overly pursue or pressure the hen to breed. She does her own thing and finds him when she is ready. Lol
Hard to say, did she continue to lay normal after injury for a while and then later get funky.
Used to be a pain using the live traps as my neighbors also have many feral cats. Always catching and releasing them, until I started baiting traps with eggs. No more cats since eggs only skunks, possums, coons doesn't attract them but they can't walk away from the sight of that juicy egg. :thumbsup
I also use eggs. Mini marshmallows in the dog proof traps
Yes some of her eggs were normal in the beginning but then started getting funky.
Is she looking like the stress may be causing a molt. If not, there could be some injuries but I would believe it has something to do with stress or diet. Maybe she hasn't been eating well with the stress caused by the injury. As long as she is acting normal now other than egg problems and seems to be eating ok. I would give her some time and maybe give her some calcium citrate tabs for a week and see if it helps.
Is she looking like the stress may be causing a molt. If not, there could be some injuries but I would believe it has something to do with stress or diet. Maybe she hasn't been eating well with the stress caused by the injury. As long as she is acting normal now other than egg problems and seems to be eating ok. I would give her some time and maybe give her some calcium citrate tabs for a week and see if it helps.
She doesnt appear to be molting. She is active and paces the pen to get out with the toms. She still has a limp and at this point I worry she may always have a limp now. She eats like a horse though. And we feed a good feed mix so her diet is good. Its a gamebird conditioning mix and has 18% protein. It has laying pellets, calf manna, wheat, milo, black oil sunflower seeds, corn, and alfalfa pellets. I will give her some oyster shell. I don't have any calcium tablets handy.

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