A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

When they are full grown they will live on the deck, I would bet on it.

As juvvies they need to be watched from owls, I have not lost an adult to an owl but I did lose one to a eagle when it tried to protect a baby.

They can be trying, I just had to chase a gang of 6 back to their area, they were taking a field trip to the highway. I have the oldest of this years hatch free ranging now so they are really exploring.
Ralphie penguin is so cute!! Looks like your wife is going to have a pet turkey. Maybe you will have the house "chicken" u have always wanted.

How is Bert doing today??
Ralphie penguin is so cute!! Looks like your wife is going to have a pet turkey. Maybe you will have the house "chicken" u have always wanted.

How is Bert doing today??

Thanks for asking about Bert.

He is doing OK. I am convinced he will not get better, lacking a miracle. He is on a slow downward slope. I let his girls out today forcing them back into the main flock. It is sad and was sad to do, it is admitting no more toads, now the other roosters have been with them and I will not hatch the eggs.

I kept the 3 creamettes in the coop/pen and am thinking of putting the young creamettes in it. But they are so enjoying free ranging.

I have 6 turkeys that have formed a gang, as I said before, I spent my day chasing them away from the highway.

I have 3 new hatch turkeys today. When I look at the baby turkeys I have, there are some interesting color combinations from JJ and Ethel. I have some redish one that looks lilac, but I am sure the purist will call rust or something. Does not matter to me, they are beauties, whatever they are,,, I ask "Would a rose by another name still smell as sweet?"
Teenage Turkeys are so dumb!

It started raining cats and dogs here, and one dumb teenage turkey is standing outside the tractor/brooder trying to get in through the wire. He is too dumb to walk to the other side of the tractor where his door is located.

So I, being dumber than the turkey, go outside in the rain and chase him to his door.
Good luck feedman!

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