A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I'm back!

Ralph, I did not take an incubator along... although I wouldn't have needed one as the weather was so dang hot! 
As a result, I did not end up detained in a Canadian prison for women.  Thank goodness. 

We did find some great beer... It was imported from the states!

My turkeys missed me dearly while I was gone!  They flew over the fence to greet us as we pulled into the drive.  They have not left us alone since. 
Dinner is humongus.  I have no idea how to spell humongus, it seems.
The time away seems to have cooled his temper a bit, or maybe he is not a teenager any longer.  Either way, I am thankful for it.  He was getting kind of mean.

Tomahawk and Banshee are beyond adorable!  They missed us like crazy.  The snuggles with purring happy turkey sounds is killing me!

So, what did I miss?  Not much for me to comment on, really. 
Beware of letting turkeys sit on your shoulder... once they are 30 lbs and have spurs you may be sorry.  I know my DH is.  But, really, who can resist turkey snuggles?!  It is as if they don't realize they are not human.

Pretty sure I tried to warn someone about shoulder turkeys a while back. Not sure if it was you or not. But yea, not a good thing.
I'm going to pick out a jake tomorrow. I have a choice between a Royal Palm or Bourbon Red. So....interested to learn differences in temperment. From what I've been reading they both seem like nice tempered birds. Any opinions out there??
I'm going to pick out a jake tomorrow. I have a choice between a Royal Palm or Bourbon Red. So....interested to learn differences in temperment. From what I've been reading they both seem like nice tempered birds. Any opinions out there??

Turkey temperaments totally depend on how much they are handled when young. You want 1 that was hand raised & carried around if possible. If you can pretty much walk over & pick the bird up you are fine. If it ducks away but is easily caught you are still ok. If you can easily corner & pick it up & it calms quickly then it can be tamed easily with some frequent handling. If it takes an army to catch it & it tries to beat you to death with it's wings then it will never be s lap turkey no matter how hard you try. Go with whichever bird is easiest to catch. If both are easy, consider this: pure palms tend to be lighter weight birds than bourbons. Do you want these to produce babies for meat or just easily handled pets. Smaller make more manageable pets. Heavier make better meals.
Does this mean that you decided to keep the turkey??

I'm going to pick out a jake tomorrow. I have a choice between a Royal Palm or Bourbon Red. So....interested to learn differences in temperment. From what I've been reading they both seem like nice tempered birds. Any opinions out there??

Bring your roasting pan with you, which ever one fits best into it, with room for stuffing is the bird you want.....
Yes Feistychick I'm keeping her! She's is sweet, easy going & too much fun for me not too! Thanks for the advise SS. From what I understand the Royal Palms can be flighty. I think I'm going Red Bourbon unless he's a flake. If these are jerk Jakes I'll pass. She needs a buddy!
Roasting pan? I was thinking Fryer! I do live in the south. LOL! No...they are not invited to dinner.
I ended up with one poult of the 3 eggs. 1 no pip external. The other looked like it got crushed.

So this poult has 3 very protective moms. I did get him picked up and they were not happy about it.

Most are starting a molt so laying is done for the year. Bators are put up.

Now time to decide who stays for next years breeding and who's goes to freezer camp.

Out of my first 15 I ended up with 11 toms. So I have several younv toms to choose from.

So looks like about 9 so far will go to camp 6 toms and 3 adult hens.

Bev. Of choice tonight headed for mountains. Busch.

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