A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Got some new babies today, they are so darn cute!

Nice babies, What is that little striped one that looks like a creamette ?
The lady we got the poults from had a lone chick in with them, and asked us to take it as well since she had no others. Not sure what it is exactly (she had a lot of different chickens).... I will have to hope that someone else can tell me :p
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The lady we got the poults from had a lone chick in with them, and asked us to take it as well since she had no others. Not sure what it is exactly (she had a lot of different chickens).... I will have to hope that someone else can tell me :p
nice looking poults.

My guess on striped chick looks like a welsummer.
I had 4 broodys on 10 eggs. They should have hatched so booted the hens off and candled their eggs. Only 1 was viable and was peeping when I candled it.

I had 6 eggs in a incubator off a nest the hen quit on. They were on lockdown. 2 were external pipped. The others pipped the wrong end..

When I went back to pen broodies back on nest setting on nothing. So to hopefully break their brood I gave them the eggs from the incubator and their egg back. So I should have babies today.

This group of hens is determined to have some babies.
I have never experienced broody hens or trying to hatch babies (yet), I'm having trouble deciding whether to run away or look forward to it - after reading all the stories :p

Either way can be extremely rewarding and frustrating.

This my incubating was horrible around 10 percent. Lost a lot a lockdown. But later in spring was close to 85 percent hatch rate.

Hens have faired the same had 2 hens on 20 eggs none hatched. But they adopted a chick that got in the pen.

Nithing better that watching momma turkey show the poults. How to eat drink and forage.
I'm back!

Ralph, I did not take an incubator along... although I wouldn't have needed one as the weather was so dang hot!
As a result, I did not end up detained in a Canadian prison for women. Thank goodness.

We did find some great beer... It was imported from the states!

My turkeys missed me dearly while I was gone! They flew over the fence to greet us as we pulled into the drive. They have not left us alone since.
Dinner is humongus. I have no idea how to spell humongus, it seems.
The time away seems to have cooled his temper a bit, or maybe he is not a teenager any longer. Either way, I am thankful for it. He was getting kind of mean.

Tomahawk and Banshee are beyond adorable! They missed us like crazy. The snuggles with purring happy turkey sounds is killing me!

So, what did I miss? Not much for me to comment on, really.
Beware of letting turkeys sit on your shoulder... once they are 30 lbs and have spurs you may be sorry. I know my DH is. But, really, who can resist turkey snuggles?! It is as if they don't realize they are not human.

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