A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

The fun continues here :/

Hello everyone, just last night I had trouble with a raccoon in the coop and of course, he took one of my only 2 toms. I currently have 23 hens but I believe that only 10 of them have been laying due to the time of year right now (only been getting 4-5 eggs a day). I remember hearing that one good tom can service up to 40 hens, but I am not totally sure if that is accurate.
I am definitely going to order more chicks for my flock for the sake of diversity, but I was just wondering if the hens that I have currently will have good fertility considering there is only one tom left.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This just happened, so I'm not sure what sort of fertility I'm going to be left with.
Before the attack my fertility was excellent.

Best advice I can offer is just set every egg you get and keep the first group to raise out for another Tom. Fertility is going to be whatever it ends up being. There's not a whole lot you can do. Separating the hens in to two groups may help but it may not make much difference. Good luck!
I'd offer to send you some bourbon eggs but my girls stopped laying.

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