A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

So we took 3 turkeys to the swap today to downsize our flock. All 3 sold but unfortunately DD was with me and since someone else had young royal palms and we had 0, we brought 2 more home :rolleyes:

To add on to this, the guy that bought my 3 turkeys was only at the swap to look, had no intention of buying anything so had no cage or anything. He had a single cab truck and a passenger.... those 3 turkeys, who aren't even in the lurkey category, rode on his passenger's lap for the 20 minute ride home lol. He did say that they made it home without any trouble and no messes lol.

If things are there like they are here, that is no guarantee that she is the one who laid the egg.
She had an isolated nest halfway across the 3 acre field nestled among the wild plums by the ditch. I never found exactly where. The mother is my daughter's favorite pet, Shiver. Shiver is a granddaughter of Slater, her dad is likely the tri colored rusty slate. We aren't sure who her mother is, so there could be some lurking genetics. She might have shared her nest, but there is a good chance she didn't, just because she went out so far from the main flock area. With turkeys, they do often invite others to share nests.

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