A chicken in every living room . . . . (UPDATED pics)

Awwwww, soon to be "momma"!
Thanks for sharing!
Well DUH, of course you don't hear anything out of her. She's living it up in the house in a comfy bed and those "other" chickens are stuck outside. Who's the smart one here?

She's the high maintenance kind of gal.
And I'm betting you end up keeping the babies. Who can resist cute little chicks???
Besides, more chicks = more manure for the garden, right?
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Last October I hatched out a some blue andalusians. An unexpected cold snap dropped the temperature of the brooder and I lost all but one. Not wanting to lose that one as well, Hope insisted we bring it into the house. We kept here in the house from late October until mid April. She became the only named chicken we have. When we put her into the layer flock she seemed to not realize she was a chicken. She is still very friendly and is now known as Blue the former house chicken.
Well as luck would have it I was traveling last night for work and did not get home until well after midnight. After traveling 11 hours to get home all I wanted to do was sleep. But alas, it was not to be. I got home to find my DW smiling ear to ear and having great difficulty staying still. Finally, I asked "what's up?" It was then I found out we were grandparents! Our little Dottie hatched at least 2 of the 5 eggs she's been sitting on!

I'm not going to bother her today as I think a 3rd is trying to enter the world as I type but tomorrow (or later this weekend) I'm going to take her and the grand-babies outside and get some pics for ya'll.

And if I can't calm my DW down maybe I'll have to sneak a picture tonight of the new additions to the household. She wants pictures of the new fuzzy butts so she can show them off at work.
Just thought I would share it all with you.
Ok I said I wouldn't bother her today but there was a commotion in the carrier just a few mins ago and I had to look. I guess Dottie was just getting comfortable and didn't like the way the babies were acting or something. Anyway I looked in with a flashlight and this is what I saw ( I had to take the pic with my phone so pardon the blurriness):


The pic doesn't show the 2nd baby really well. The black patch to the left of the baby is the 2nd born. It is a lot blacker and has a cute little white patch on it's head. I should be able to get a better picture tomorrow I hope.

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