a cold hollow feeling

I am very sorry for your loss and especially at such an emotional time for you. I have brought up my children always surrounded by pets and it is perfectly possible to do this without anyone missing out. I would say that the life of the children and the pets are enriched by having each other. Having said that, you have your hands pretty much full at the moment with your little son and you need to concentrate on him and yourself. In the future I'm sure another cat will come your way, perhaps a stray in need of a good home, and I believe you can give a cat a wonderful home as you are such a caring person.
Very sorry for your loss.If you get another cat please consider building a cat enclosure or sun room for them.It gives them the outdoor space they desire,but with complete safety. If you do a search you will be amazed at what people have built.

Congrats on your little one,and again very sorry for your kitty.It is tough when the family dynamics change.Cats can be so emotionally delicate.When I brought my cats In they each got a flea shampoo bath,and a good picking over to look for any ticks/fleas.The kids asked me one time why I don't yell at the cats like the do the dogs when they do something bad,and my response is," Because the dogs won't spray the walls will urine to get back at you!"
Im sorry for your loss, I truelly am, maybe you should wait for another pet till later, I know how intesting the first few months of a life with a baby is lol, haveing a smelly litter box means you ddidnt clean it well enough, I dont know what to tell you about fleas as my cat has never had a single fea in his 3 + years with me. Cats will not hurt babies unless its the occasional scratch from the cat becuase a crawling or toddleing baby has mauled the cat, and that can be prevented by always being watchfull when they were interacting with one another. Good luck and again I am sorry for your loss.

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