A couple first egg questions


Mar 28, 2018
The other day I posted about my girls starting to lay. I have a white leghorn who likes to spend hours in the nesting boxes, two New Hampshire reds (I think? Though one is much darker than the other) and an EE all the same age. The first egg I found Saturday was soft so I’m not sure who it came from, then I didn’t get anything else until Wednesday and it was a little blue egg, so must be my EE. This morning I found these two on the ground.
Are these the correct color for a New Hampshire Red?
Could my girls just not like the nesting boxes or could these be from my Pekin Duck?
As for washing I’ve read it’s personal preference but most don’t wash them until they’re ready to eat and refrigerate. I’d like to try leaving mine on the counter because the general thought I got was that they last longer there. In cases like these where they are super dirty would you just wash and stick in fridge?

I put the white store bought egg on the plate for size reference because I know duck eggs are typically much bigger
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I had a pullet who preferred a nest on the ground in the corner for a long time. She eventually started using the nest boxes but I still find eggs from others in that spot. I don't really care, if the corner under the nest box is better, it's better :idunno

I always store my eggs at room temp and wipe dirty eggs with a dry paper towel. If they don't come clean I wash and use or toss out for the girls.
Those appear to be from your Pekin. I wash my duck eggs and refrigerate. I have no issue with them lasting a couple weeks. I've never tried to keep them any longer. By the way, ducks are creatures of habit. If your Pekin has found an area she likes to lay, she'll probably continue to use it, unless it gets wet. Mine seems to prefer a dry nest. You can try adding some wood chips or straw to minimize the dirt. That works with mine at least, but a spotless duck egg seems to be a rarity. Ducks tend to lay early in the morning as well. If possible, try to get it before it has the chance to get dirty.
Thank you everyone! It’s my first year with chickens and ducks so I’m still learning. These were not there last night I know for sure so is it possible she laid them both overnight? We have a drake as well so could she be tryig to lay a clutch and brood them?

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