a dog attacked our chickens

Orpington Mom

In the Brooder
Jul 13, 2019
We are finally raising chickens this year. We got ten little Orpington chick girls. They are about 14 weeks old now. We let our next door neighbors know we had chickens and would be free ranging them. One of these neighbors has two dogs which escape from their fenced yard every week or two. Knowing this, our chickens free range when we can be nearby. Several weeks ago one chicken was killed by the dog (only one dog is a hunter).
Two days ago, the dog got out and caught one of our chickens (my son caught the dog and stopped him). The chicken survived but most of its tail feathers were torn off and the tail itself is severed from her spine and sort of dangling. Not knowing a lot about chicken anatomy, I am not sure what the bulgy part protruding from her backside is. She has seemed better each day. I am washing her wound with recommended antibacterial cleanser and spraying with another recommended pet remedy. Her wound is very worrisome. I am doing all I can to prevent infection, and she is inside the house in a large container for protection. I am concerned about the tail that is barely attached. Might gangrene develop? Should we remove it? She is drinking, and eating some, and eliminating OK.
We have really been enjoying these little chicken girls.
to deal with the dog I know its mean but warn them if it does it again you will take it to pound. People will change fast if you take action that's how I saved my chickens from my neighbors dog.
Sorry about your chicken. Can you post any pictures of the wounds? Keeping her away from flies and using antibiotic ointment twice a day may help. If we can see what was damaged we can give better advice.
Sorry about your chicken. Can you post any pictures of the wounds? Keeping her away from flies and using antibiotic ointment twice a day may help. If we can see what was damaged we can give better advice.
I haven't figured out how to post photos yet--sorry. Her tail is (the little lump the feathers attach to) nearly completely severed, hanging on by about 1/2 " of skin and dragging. We decided to tie it with elastic tightly. I have used Veterycin and Blu Kote on her and wash the injury with antibiotic cleanser, Hibiclens, 2x-3x a day. She has been improved each day. Four days now. I have her in a bin with a screen on top to isolate her and keep flies out. She has been in the house but I put her out on the deck today to get sun and fresh air.
Where are you located? I would check with your area's ordinances and "dog catcher" for what you can do. Is your property fenced, and the dog's getting in?

I would warn the neighbors, get a high powered air gun for your Son to target practice. Fence in your property or build a secure run for your chickens and send the bill to your neighbors. If they were "considerate" they'd offer to replace the loss chicken and pay for the injured ones vet bill.

A picture would help, if the tail is as bad as it sounds, thinking maybe removing it? Listen to Eggcessive, she's the experienced one. Veterycin and Blu Note good products. Keep us posted. :hugs
It would be good to see a picture or two of the area that is just barely hanging. It sounds like the pygostyle or “pope’s nose.” That is usually where the oil or preen gland is located. Can you see her oil gland intact?
2x Yea, my yard is fenced but still keep my (4) chickens confined to their 8x12x7 Chicken House. The neighbors got a bunch of dogs that sit at the fence line. Chickens love watching them too but rather not take any chances.
We have a run for our hens, but they lo-o-ove their freedom. We gave our "dog" neighbors a heads up that we would be free ranging our chickens when we are at home. The dogs are fenced in (leash law in town) and our neighbors installed some kind of dog watch but the hunter (dog) still escapes about every one or two weeks. We outright lost one hen to this dog and this one is recovering well I think. I don't know about the oil gland. Where would I look? I tied off the hanging tail part about four days ago. I don't know how long to wait for it to come off. I keep wondering if I should do surgery and just get it off but don't want to create another open wound by doing so. Meanwhile, I continue soaking her backside and then spraying with antibiotic.
I did tell my two sons that if they used an airsoft gun on the dog that would be fine with me. I don't know how much of a deterrent that would be.
It seems that, like dog owners who have to keep their chickens and dog separate, we need to figure out a plan with the neighbors for when their dogs and our chickens get yard time. I think they have been keeping their dogs in a lot due to the two attacks on our chickens. If we come up with a plan I'll let you know if it helps. Meanwhile, we know there is some risk to our chickens having their freedom.

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