A few questions about lambs

sunny & the 5 egg layers

8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
When you buy a lamb from a breeder how old are they usually? And how much do they weigh? How much does 2 cost per month? Are you better off getting 2 males or 2 females? How much land do 2 lambs need? Sorry for so many questions!
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lambs are weaned no sooner than 2 months of age, but usually 3 months. What breed of lambs are you wanting? If you want pets, wethers are the cheapest (because they are usually sold for meat). Ewe lambs will be the most expensive. Ram lambs are NOT pets....pet rams are very dangerous. As far as feeding requirments....again, it depends on the breed. Some sheep do great on just pasture, some need feed. So it all depends.
I bought 3 (1 ram lamb, 2 ewes) katadhin (sp?) lambs off a lady for $45 @4months old. But she sold according to the local auction house's price. I see lambs going from $45 (usually bottle lambs) to $125. Depends on breed, age, lines, etc.
I think it'd be best to have at least 1/2 an acre, as lambs grow fast and eat A LOT.

Oh, and on a side note, you MUST be able to rotate your lambs on new pasture on a regular basis. If you can't, they're at a very high risk of getting worms. I lost one of my ewe lambs because we couldn't rotate during the worst time of worms (july-october). Or, be prepared to deworm every 3-4wks.

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