>~* A Howl At Midnight>~* A FORGOTTEN DOGS ROLEPLAY!

(@HoodedHuntress )
~Jasper gently nudged Opal, silently begging for forgiveness for his uncalled-for outburst. "I'm sorry," he grunted under his breath, drenched in shame. "I'm on edge. That was wrong of me."~

~Calamitypup shivered violently as Owl's unfeeling glare swept over her as if she were a rotting piece of prey asking for discarding. When Owl finally stalked off, she let out a sigh that shook her entire slender frame. She didn't trust that coyote- but, then again, who did she trust now? Infuriated liquidated grief pooled at the edge of her eyes. Her mother had been taken from her, and she hadn't been yet offered even the vaguest of descriptions as to her killer. Reed had pitched the news of Mink's death at her daughter, and then he dared to fade away to unconsciousness without providing her with the incriminating information that she desired now more than oxygen. As far as Calamitypup knew, any one of these filthy cowards could've slipped their thieving teeth into her mother's lifeblood. After all, messy killing was to her packmates as to hunting was to any dog with basic morals.
With an increased turbulence of fierce quivering, Calamitypup rose to her paws, and began to edge toward a rock where she'd be able to keep a wary eye on every moving and unmoving thing alike.
No, Calamitypup no longer trusted anyone.~
(@HoodedHuntress )
~Jasper gently nudged Opal, silently begging for forgiveness for his uncalled-for outburst. "I'm sorry," he grunted under his breath, drenched in shame. "I'm on edge. That was wrong of me."~

~Calamitypup shivered violently as Owl's unfeeling glare swept over her as if she were a rotting piece of prey asking for discarding. When Owl finally stalked off, she let out a sigh that shook her entire slender frame. She didn't trust that coyote- but, then again, who did she trust now? Infuriated liquidated grief pooled at the edge of her eyes. Her mother had been taken from her, and she hadn't been yet offered even the vaguest of descriptions as to her killer. Reed had pitched the news of Mink's death at her daughter, and then he dared to fade away to unconsciousness without providing her with the incriminating information that she desired now more than oxygen. As far as Calamitypup knew, any one of these filthy cowards could've slipped their thieving teeth into her mother's lifeblood. After all, messy killing was to her packmates as to hunting was to any dog with basic morals.
With an increased turbulence of fierce quivering, Calamitypup rose to her paws, and began to edge toward a rock where she'd be able to keep a wary eye on every moving and unmoving thing alike.
No, Calamitypup no longer trusted anyone.~
Opal caressed Jasper by craning her neck so that her head was around his, softly rubbing his pelt as a sign that it was fine. There was a lack of any sort of animosity towards him, and with a quiet growl, she whispered "It's fine." In moments of bloodshed and disorder, one didn't need to hear what one did wrong. Accusation only made it worse, and she was also shameful for not having gone to fight.

(Are we leaving Heather and Blaze?)
Are we still going with the pups or did they all miraculously dissipate? XD)
~Blaze let his legs fall into an easy lope as the moon began its noticeable descent toward the horizon as dawn steadily approached. He was on the hunt, and rabbit was profusely laced across the incoming wind. With luck, he'd have a succulent carcass to surprise Heather with if he made it back to the den before she awoke.~
(....and now foxes sleep at night...wonderful Sarah. 10/10)
Opal caressed Jasper by craning her neck so that her head was around his, softly rubbing his pelt as a sign that it was fine. There was a lack of any sort of animosity towards him, and with a quiet growl, she whispered "It's fine." In moments of bloodshed and disorder, one didn't need to hear what one did wrong. Accusation only made it worse, and she was also shameful for not having gone to fight.

(Are we leaving Heather and Blaze?)
Jasper let her wind her neck around him. Try as he might to surrender to her placating caress, tension still jammed every tendon and he sat silently, looking out on the real world while paralysed inside. What could he do now? What could any of them do? There was so much death, so much loss, and in reality, recovery from this war would be indefinitely harder than the physical battle. And now that their former leaders were as useful as the dirt they lay own, the broken community of coyotes was completely open once again to the anarchy they fell prey to so easily...
"Where'd we leave Flint?" he murmured finally, finding at least one thing he could take comfortably action on. "What a time to introduce a loner to pack life."
(River Pack)
(@Jetblack2004 )
~Autumn turned to Swift as they cleared the rise up off of the beach and trotted toward camp. "Watch somebody die on the way to camp," she wearily grumbled under her breath, ignorant of how heartless she sounded and otherwise not caring at the moment either. "We'll probably be called back to the water in a few heartbeats to look for someone who's long drowned or simply dead back in some Storm Pack bracken, mark my woofs."
(Basically, everybody's getting back from a war in the middle of the night, they just crossed the dividing river, and now the remaining survivors are trying to get back to camp as alive as possible. XD )
(River Pack)
(@Jetblack2004 )
~Autumn turned to Swift as they cleared the rise up off of the beach and trotted toward camp. "Watch somebody die on the way to camp," she wearily grumbled under her breath, ignorant of how heartless she sounded and otherwise not caring at the moment either. "We'll probably be called back to the water in a few heartbeats to look for someone who's long drowned or simply dead back in some Storm Pack bracken, mark my woofs."
(Basically, everybody's getting back from a war in the middle of the night, they just crossed the dividing river, and now the remaining survivors are trying to get back to camp as alive as possible. XD )
Swift's eyes darted from side to side wearily. She was extremely tired from the fight and she almost expected the Storm Pack to ambush them. "The sooner we're back at camp, the better." She breathed. Swift glanced behind her and with a quiet sigh hoped that everyone would make it back to the River Pack's camp alive.
(Was that good? My RPing skills are probably a little rusty xD)
Swift's eyes darted from side to side wearily. She was extremely tired from the fight and she almost expected the Storm Pack to ambush them. "The sooner we're back at camp, the better." She breathed. Swift glanced behind her and with a quiet sigh hoped that everyone would make it back to the River Pack's camp alive.
(Was that good? My RPing skills are probably a little rusty xD)
Autumn's fur shivered in raw exhaustion and freed a few stray flecks of dried blood from her mottled pelt. "I couldn't agree more." She closed her eyes for a brief moment, allowing herself a fanciful indulgence in soft, comforting nest materials...
Her eyes snapped open as she realized she was swaying on her paws and forced a dry laugh. "Yeah. I'm definitely tired."
(Nah, you're fine. Especially since you have 0 clue what's going on. :lol:)

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