A New Earth RP

(not the least bit intimidating??haha

"Ah. Thalia. Helloo." she said.

(i have to go bye

"I want to talk about" she hesitated. "Well, im sure you already know what i want to talk about" she said a little hostilely.
"Hmmm. I see you know about my...informatives. And yes I do. I belive it was a wise choice to chose an alliance with Blue." she said cooly, ignoring Thalias hostility.
Thalia looked into her eyes. "So you accept?" she asked, trying not to ignore her arrogance.
Greta stared back. "I do." she held out her hand so Thalia could shake it, so it would be finalized. "I am looking foreward to it." she said more friendly.
Back from a long and relaxing dive where he discovered a hidden underwater cave system, Doc carefully puts his dive gear in the rinse tank, showers off and heads to The Shack to get a cold. one. As he approaches, though the window he sees Greta speaking intently with one of the other leaders. Wishing only to relax and think about the best way to explore the cave system, as well as respecting Greta's meeting, Doc turns around and heads back to the lab to finish cleaning his dive gear and check in with the Lab manager Joyce - forgetting that he gave her the day off as thanks for all the long hours she put in helping him get the report done. Doc finishes drying off his dive gear, checks all life support systems three times, checks on the experiments and heads home for a cold one.
Thalia followed. She did not like being deep in the Blue village, in fact she was scared. She didnt know what the people would do if they saw her.

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