A new Hobby Soap making Love it

So chamomile is good for face? I have to wonder, joy, the recipe that you sent is I'm sure very moisturizing but if you already had oily skin like on the face would you maybe use a different recipe or would this one work ok. Sure send site and I'll check it out. I dont know why I dont get my dad to make some boxes. He's handy at wood stuff. The brambleberry boxes were really nice but pricy too. But if someone wants to give you one.... Who could refuse. Ha!! I'll have to try cardboard. Did you just line them with waxpaper
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Hey, guys. Just posting so I can get to the thread more easily. Hoping to get with this soap making thang soon.
Thanks, Julie, for starting the thread. Your soaps are beautiful!
Hey Paula, Thanks. good to hear from you. I am going to have to post some pics of some of my other soap. I am getting creative. I mixed the green color myself out of two different color. Makes me want to go make some more but I have got so many other things i need to be doing and we have game nite at our Church tonite so i have got make some salsa or something for that/
What a great thread! I made soap with a friend once and it was fun but you do have to be precise with measurements. I have done some glycerin soaps but they are so drying. I buy from a local lady that makes the most divine goats milk soap with rosemary and essential oils. I love the natural ones. This may be my next undertaking!
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I used to make soap about 10 years ago. I absolutely loved it. I quit when I started having babies.. one after the other after the other.. so I got away from it. i did love it though and maybe someday can get back into it.
I think that i why I love the Chamomille so much. Does not dry my face out and cleans all the makeup off without 4 expensive steps.

I tryed one batch of Goats milk and lard. I think i may have gotten tomuch butter fat. I am using it myself and it lathers well but was a bit crumbly and I don't know if I used my stir stick to much cause it took forever to trace.
You are right that you have to get your measurements right. I run mine thru a soap calc if it something I am changing. I don't want to be lye heavy or not enough. In the chamomille that Joy gave me the recipe for It is superfatted with Shea butter and some powdered milk so it is very moisturizing. It's main ingredient is Olive Oil which is a good moisturizing oil.
My husband loves me making soap. I noticed on a soap forum that lots of men like to make soap. it is sort of like a Chemistry experiment.

Makes the house smell so good. Makes my skin smell good. I wash my hair with it too so I don't buy expensive shampoo's any longer or other treatments.

I'm just wondering why I never knew about soap making all these years.

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