A new Hobby Soap making Love it

Thanks Morgain, You have a lot of good sites listed. I have bought from several of them.
I am going to make some Himalayan Bamboo this next week.
I love my Olive oil with Coconut and palm oil soaps with a bit of Castor oil for lather and Shea butter for moisture. I like to add dry milk too.
I did try one batch of Goat milk but I used canned milk and I think maybe to concentrated. I would do it differernt next time. I am using the soap but haven't given any away.
I only make mine for personal consumption for my friends and family. I have lots of family and I can hardly keep up with them

Here is where I bought my wood soap molds and they work great. I got the one with hinges and pegs

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A quick and simple mold I use for soap is a piece of 3" pvc pipe cut in two lengthwise with the simple press fit caps, the caps keep the pieces together while the soap dries.
We LOVE Nancy Today. She was what got my boyfriend into home made soaps! I'd always wanted to try using them but they were so expensive. Then for some reason we started watching her videos and my boyfriend decided that we should order home made and organic soaps for our new apt (this one). I have her to thank for my healthy happy skin, lol.
Good story Vanilla E.

Tonya here are the pics of the Soap i made yesterday. I love the smell. My coloring didn't turn out like what I was trying to do but I think I know what I will try next time. This is Mediterreanean Fig, I can't seem to spell Medeterranean right. sorry. Any way Pic

I was trying to get a fig look. You know how the inside of a fig is all brown and pinky like. I didn't get the brown dark enough and the swirl was a disaster but anyway. It is what it is.

Here are some pics of my home made soap molds. Cardboard boxes with cardboard lids and a old wood drawer



This weeks soaps
Thank you Julie! It is beautiful! My daughter would go gah-gah over it!

The cardboard boxes are a great way to try your hand at it. If I enjoy it I have talked to my father. He is handy...and I have asked him what he would charge me to make a couple molds....he told me that I buy the materials, he will make them!
I think I like the logs that are held together with wooden pegs. If I can find a good cutter, maybe I can talk him into making one of those too.

I am going to Walmart (I hate that place!) tomorrow, to look for a stick blender. I am watching scales and scale prices on Ebay.

Then just a few other things to buy, and then the ingredients. I have a health food store not 8 blocks from my house and I think they will have a lot of the basic oils and they carry EO's and FO's.

I can't believe I am so close to doing this!!!!
They're beautiful, Julie. I love all the different colors. I also like the plain natural looking soaps. Great idea using an old drawer as a mold. I'd never have thought of that. I've been watching Nancy Today on Youtube since I read your post about her last night. She really is a character-too funny. But, she makes it look so easy. Joy sent me instructions, supply list, and a recipe for her chamomile soap. I think I'm ready to order my supplies and give it a try.
You can get the scales at Walmart. That is where i bought mine.
I just use a big knife to cut mine too. You an use Summerbee Meadows and resize the recipe for any mold you want to use.

I liked using a test amt when trying new fragrance so if I don't like it I don't waste a bunch of oil.

You can get a stick blender at Walgreens for less than Walmart prices.

Olive Oil Sam's Club has the best price. 12.88 for huge container.
Wallmart has the castor oil for a decent price. I think it is 2.88 for six ounces. YOu don't use that much but it makes anice lather.
Paula and Tonya I can't wait to see your soaps. Feel free to get in touch if you need any help.

You can use natural things like Paprika to color your soap too. Just let it set in some olive oil for a while before making your soap.

The wood drawer makes a nice slab mold. I use some cardboard for a lid.

The long green and white soap in the pic is some soap I did not gel. I had a bit of batter left and poured it up into a plastic container and put in the freezer for a few hrs to prevent it from naturally heating up. Makes a different look but works as well. I sliced it into two bars. It came right out of the plastic when I let it thaw.
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