A new Hobby Soap making Love it

Kassandra - I'll look and see if I can find his contact info. He made exactly what I wanted at a very small price.

I will trim those bars up a bit. I take the trimmings and roll it all up into a soap ball that I use in the kitchen and bathroom.

The smell of that soap is wonderful !!! There is also no colorants in it...the chamomile gives it that color. I've made quite a few different scents, but that is my favorite.
I love soapcalc.net It has a bit of a learning curve, but play around with it. If you look around on it, you see that it has all the steps numbered.

Step 1 is picking NaOH or KOH (sodium or potassium hydroxide). The default is NaOH, leave it on this for bar soaps.
Step 2 is the amount of oils you want to use for your mold. The default is 1 pound. Just put what size you want. (if you need to know how to figure out how much oil to use for your mold I can post the formula)
Step 3 is how much water or liquid to use. If you are just beginning, just leave at the default.
Step 4 is what superfat your want to use. The default is 5%. I personally like 7 and change it to that. Under the super fat is your fragrance. The default is empty, but a good middle ground is .7 oz ppo (per pound oil). You may have to go up or down depending on the fragrance or essential oil.
Step 5 is something you can use once you really want to start formulating your own recipe. Leave it alone for now.
Step 6 is picking the oils you want to use. The list of oils is on the left. Click the oil you want to use and then enter the % next to it. Your %'s have to total 100%.
Step 7 is saving your recipe. It is up right above the oils you picked.
Step 8 is calculating your recipe. Click that and it will calculate how much oils to use.
The last step is to click "View or Print Recipe" This will take you to a new page that will give you the total amounts to use for water, lye, oils and fragrance.

This calc, nor any really, will not take extra stuff color, botanicals etc into account. That is because it can all vary so very much.

I hope this helps, let me know if it doesn't.
Chamomille is my favorite too. Thanks for sharing those pics Joy. I think mine is always darker cause i may cook my Chamomille longer and add more to the soap batter. I have no complaints on how wonderful it is. Joy had me hooked from the beginning. i had to have some for my face.
Buff I would reccomend you sticking with Joys basic soap recipe or something simple and not worry about percentages until you got a few batches under you belt and when you read you will understand what she is talking about.

The percent just means for example if you were using 100 oz of oils for your recipe the amt of Olive, Coconut, or Palm would be what adds up to 100%... Like Olive oil 65 %, Coconut 20%, pALM 15 % The percents are the oz. in this example. You would put this in a lye calc and it would give you the amt of Lye and water you would need for the Oils to be saponified.
BTW that is not a recipe just a example. Hope that made sense
This may be a stupid question, but how do you get the soap out of the box. Won't it adhere to the box or does it just dump out like after packing a bucket to make a sand castle?
You have to line the box with Freezer paper with the shiny side to the soap.
Joy, I love your pictures!
I will get to make soap one day, I will get to make soap one day.... I am dying to try some of that chamomile soap, and yes I just want to scratch and sniff my computer screen.
Yes that does help. I definitely have no intention of straying from the recipe at first. I just wasn't sure, if you were going to add goats milk, how that would be added, amount wise bloke do you decrease the amount Of water and replace with milk or something. I guess I just need to wait until I'm at the stage when I'm ready to advance but my mom has milk goats so why not take advantage.

I did look at that particular soap calc after las post and it was a little easier to understand (I think) than the other. I guess what threw me off is that I was putting joys exact recipe in the other one and getting a different lye/water amt. It was a couple ounces different. I'll just keep playing around wih it and I'm sure it make more sense. Thanks so much for the help!!
Phone had been locked up so sorry for 2 posts in a row, but what is he opinion of lightly spraying plastic molds with mineral oil to prevent sticking? Saw it on Nancy today. Yep. Been watching that too!

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