A new Hobby Soap making Love it

True Neroli eo is very very expensive. You would be better off getting a fragrance oil. Here is the link to the fragrance oil finder . Several places have Neroli. Hippiechick, the essential oil is not going to effect the final soap except for the scent. Because the eo's are so expensive and it takes several bottles that size to scent a batch, I would go with peppermint essential oil. It only takes .25 oz ppo to get a great scent.

Here is a link to the suppliers by state . You can look to see if you can find a supplier close to you.

Every oil is a little different, but if you can't find palm, Lard is the closest substitute. The fatty acid profiles are different on both of them so it is going to have a slightly different feel than the palm soap, but it still makes a very good soap.

Buttermilk flakes should be in the baking section of your grocery store. Ask the store if they can order it for you.

Here are some pictures of my soaps in the past.








Julie, I did find the shea butter and chamomile oil locally. I ordered dried chamomile online, and it's on its way. And I do remember seeing a few Orange EOs at the vitamin shop. Morgaine, thanks so much for the links. I go and check them out. By the way, my husband was on his way home from work last night, and stopped by HEB, and was able to find Palm Oil and buttermilk flakes. So, it looks like I've got all of the ingredients. And I did buy some peppermint EO, so maybe I'll try that. I just want to try a batch, and see how it goes before I order all of this stuff in bulk.
Morgaine, your soaps are gorgeous. The colors are beautiful.
Orange eo needs to have an anchor in order for it to stay scented in the soap. If you use just regular Orange oil, it will fade before the cure is done.

I reccomend using a 5fold orange and then an anchor like patchouli. I do this combo and it is one of my best sellers. Other people use Litsea Cubea eo as an anchor. I have also read that some use cornstarch or orange peel as an anchor. I can't say personally how well the other methods work. Patchouli has worked very well for me.

I totally forgot the HEB sells palm oil as 0 trans fat shortening! That is what I started out using. Just know that it does speed up trace more than regular palm because it has been hydrolyized (sp?) Still very workable though.

If you are looking to buy essential oils, you can get much better prices on line. I like essential oil university and anatolian treasures.
Morgaine did you line you pan with bubble wrap in the oatmeal milk honey. That's what popped in my head even before I saw that's what scent was used if so great idea I might steal!! Love you colors and swirls.
Nice soaps Morgaine
Paula you can just make your Chamomille without Fragrance The flowers cooked in Olive oil make a nice fragrance on their own. I just Neroli F.O. and it works great.

If you go to http://summerbeemeadow.com/content/classic-3-oils-soap-recipe you can put your recipe in and resize it to make a smaller version so you can make soap and have the experience but not use as many ingredients and the full 6 lb batch you have the recipe for.

Can't wait to hear how it turns out. What is HEB?
Actually, I just cut the bubble wrap to fit my mold and put it on the top of the soap. Easier for me to put on top then bottom. I have a silicone mold that my dh made me and I LOVE it!! That and my wire cutters are my favorite soap equipment. I used to use craft foam to line my old wooden molds my dh made me. They work great, it's just a pain to cut them out. But you get a bunch of uses out of one liner set before you have to replace it. I love the silicone though and since I'm doing 200-300 bars a week right now, it save a lot of time!

I love to use natural colors. All the soaps except the 2nd and 4th ones are natural colorants. The Bluebonnet is pop mica and oxide and the 4th one, called Crusader has burgundy oxide and yellow kaolin clay with titanium dioxide to whiten the base.

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