A new Hobby Soap making Love it

Gosh you are further along than I am Paula!!! I've got the 7 year old grandson, sometimes two of the other grandkids last week and this and believe it's hard enough remembering my name let alone to get my soap making items bought!!! I have that calgon take me away feeling!

Looney toon time!!!!

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I have used soap that I made after a week and it was ok but it doesnt last as long because it is not nearly as hard as it will be after cure. But wait just a little bit because the soap will get much better with time.
Well, I'm pretty sure that I just blended at too high a temp. It seems like it'll be ok. I guess I'll find out soon enough. I did the "zap test", and it didn't zap, so hopefully I'm good.

Sandy, I've had the ingredients since last week, but haven't had time. I MADE time yesterday, and was glad I did. I really doesn't take much time to make a batch. I'll be going to pick up Zoe, my 9 year old, from school in a bit, and we'll make another batch this afternoon. She was not happy that I did this without her. I'm ordered dried Chamomile an also Lavender last week, and it's supposed to be in tomorrow. I can't wait, because I want to try Joy's Chamomile recipe when my order comes in.
If it didn't zap it is fine
It looked good in the picture, but you never know when you have wet spots. Good luck with the chamomile soap and post pictures when you can.
Well, I just finished another batch. I used the same recipe, but used Eucalyptus EO and oatmeal this time. Smells awesome!! I let my oils and lye water cool to right below 110 degrees, and the consistency was perfect this time. So, my problem had to be that I started blending too soon yesterday. This was more like it. Thanks for the help, guys!
Welcome!! Lurk anytime!

Ok I did my two batches today. Ended up starting with the OMH in a drawer slab. Yummy!! Smells soooo good. Added some ground oatmeal for texture, but that's all. Looked pretty smooth and nice when I covered it. Then did the chamomile. Used a loaf mold I couldn't resist to try an in the pot swirl. Used green chrome oxide. We'll see..... It looked pretty good when I covered it up.

Morgaine - that looks almost just like banana nut bread! Yum!

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