A new Hobby Soap making Love it

yes we want to see pics. My friend made a very nice soap mold out of PVC board. She wants me to try it without lining it. I will get pics of it for you maybe tomorrow. It is a loaf mold and Has hinges that let down on all sides and a slicer section to move the soap down and slice. it looks like it will be tight enough to keep from oozing . I am going to do a small batch and see maybe in the morning. I have men in my bathroom to nite working on the remodel. I had to cook supper for them which i didn't mind cause they are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts so I can make soap maybe in the morning before I go to work.
I've never used PVC but some people say if you have a hard time getting it out, freeze it and then take it out and run hot water over it to help it release better.
I don't think the board is quite as slick as regular PVC so I am going to just use 32 oz and see what happens. I may put in fridge after it gels and see if it comes out any easier. It is washable if not and I guess I can make soap balls if nessecary. Hoping it works. It will be good lined if this doesn't work. I will try and take a few pics prior to pouring soap.
Here are two bars from the Black Raspberry batch I made the other day. What do you see?!

Hey Julie, I'd like to see a pic of that mold, if you get a minute, please. Here are a couple of pics of yesterday's batch. In the first pic, you can see that it looks much better than the batch from the day before. This is a Eucalyptus with Oatmeal. Can't wait to cut it.


Cute, looks like a clown or a monkey one.
You need to tell your secrets how you got that to work.

Here is the PVC board Soap mold


Paula that looks really good.

Imogene got the hinges at Michaels. The piece of Pvc board at the end then the space comes out when you unlatch everything and then you can slide the soap down to to cut and it has the slice section. She did a fantastic job. Just dont' know if will work without lining. I have made a test batch and will know tonite.
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I see the little boy that played on the tv show The Munsters! lol

Paula your soap looks wonderful!!! What kind of pot did you use? enamel or is that just a metal stock pot?
Sandy depending on the size of the batch of soap you are making you can use different containers. I use plastic lots of times. I never use aluminum.

Imogene made it last week out of a PVC board. She used hinges from Michaels. She did a great job. All sides drop completely down.
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