A new Hobby Soap making Love it

How did your test batch in Imogene's mold turn out? They may be a good investment if they work like the look.
Can you get some pictures of the white spots? It could steaic acid seperating from the palm oil, soap batter that was on the sides and didn't get mixed well, lye, or the hard oils solidify.

Sometimes the bubblewrap has a seam in it and you don't get those really clear texture. And swirling can take some practice. Try and in the pot swirl.
The soap turned out nice. On one end I was able to let it down with now sticking. I did not refrigerate which might have been helpful. I used a used a flat egg turner to loosen from the sides and bottom and then cut. I did not wait 24 hr either. I just wiped it off with a paper towel and it cleaned up okay. I think I would prefer lining. You could make a six lb batch in this mold but it would not be good for swirls unless you did in the pot swirls as it is really made to have your soaps longest part up the sides. Will be great for chamomille. I may try some and do a tutorial with pics when I make it with this mold and then do the cutting through the end part and show how that works. Imogene is making another one with a few different dimensions and see how we like it.
Kassandra, I made OMH last night and I was thinking about how you said yours did not turn out that great witht he top. I pour mine at a thin trace and this could be why I get crisp lines. If you pour at too thick a trace it might not form around the bubble wrap as easily.

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