A new Hobby Soap making Love it

Have made a few very scrumptious bars of soap in between all I have going on. Showed my DIL how to make soap while she is here. we made this yesterday afternoon with the help of my granddaughter. This is Orange Blossom. It smells so good.
Here is some Coconut lime I made last week
Some chamommille on the tray too.

I also made some Mango and Rice Flower. The rice flower has brown spots from the powdered milk. I made a mistake and put it in melted shea butter and it kind of clung to the oil. I did this one other time and I thought I would remember not to do this again. It all smells o good. I cant remember if I showed my Lavender Vanilla Swirl but it may be a faveorite.



I don't know what is wrong with those first pics and it wouldn't let me delete them either so will try and repost them

Orange blossom

Coconut Lime
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What beautiful soaps!!! Would love to know how you did your lavender. Is that the blue? And coconut-lime!! Yummy! Has anyone done honeysuckle? I have honeysuckle growing on our back fence line. I thought of using it as an infused oil. Do you think this would work? I haven't seen any honeysuckle eo's on the sites I have checked. A friend wants me to make her some. I would love to try it, but I don't want to waste oils.
I just mixed some colorant colors from Bramble berry together in an oz of water till I got the color i though woould work. I then poured up about 1 1/2 cups of soap batter at trace and mixed then poured in a circle back in to soap pot and then poured into mold with out stirring. It turned out like that. Each piece different.. I use regular body safe Fragrance oils. I don't use the EO because they are to expensive for me. I don't sell soap and it is just for family and friends and myself so it works well. I think i figured it up and it cost about 85 cents a bar. I only get 14 bars out of a four pound batch. I have been trying to get some made ahead since my son and family is coming from Oregon in late June and i want them to be able to take some back with them. Trying to use up the F.O. I have on hand and write down the ones I really like and not order the ones I don't care for anymore.

This is so much fun.
Julie, they're all beautiful. I can't believe you got all of those done, on top of all the chickens, on top of the bathroom remodel! lol Hoping to get some soaping done this week. I've given away so many to friends and family, I'll run out soon if I don't make more. I think Lavender Oatmeal is still my favorite. I ordered a few oils last week, and can't wait to use them. It really is so much fun, and everyone just loves getting soap.
Paula it is fun. I have had three soap making classes here at my house too. Can't wait to make some more this week. I am trying to get ahead on soap so I will have plenty cured for Christmas presents and gifts for different occoasisons. It goes fast but is so much better after curing for several months.
I just posted on the other soaping thread about forgetting to add my olive oil to my soap. does anyone have some suggestions on what to do? Should I unmold it and mix the olive oil in?
Made my first Salt bars a few days back. I used some blue color and when I mixed it , it seemed to morph. I thought it was going to be gray but then it turned sort of pinkish so I just cut and put in the curing room. I checked it yesterday and it was a nice lavender color. I have never used a salt bar but i used a recipe from someone and and sea salt . I am interested to see if I like it before I make more. It has mostly CO in it with a little Sunflower and Castor oil. I haven't made photos

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