A new Hobby Soap making Love it

I use Kelsei Molds and don't line or spray anything on them.

re: Nancy Today ... my opinion ... a fun, creative woman, but I wouldn't use her method of soapmaking ... too haphazard, using dirty implements, pots, et al.

who are you talking about?
I use Kelsei Molds and don't line or spray anything on them.

re: Nancy Today ... my opinion ... a fun, creative woman, but I wouldn't use her method of soapmaking ... too haphazard, using dirty implements, pots, et al.

who are you talking about?

A few pages ago on this thread, some one said they were inspired by Nancy Today and her way of making soap. Search Nancy Today on YouTube. You'll see what I mean.
I just found this post (missed it somehow) I was wondering if you are still having good luck with these doing cold press & if anyone else had tried them?

On a side note your soap looks great!!!!
Any pic's of it out of the mold?
I just cut a batch of minty soap. I used a Pringles can for a mold, and it made perfect round soaps. They are set out to cure. I got a baker's dozen after I trimmed the ends. All I had to do was cut the paper away from the soap. I didn't insulate, but I did leave them out in my Texas summer weather. I can't wait to see how well they turn out.

I have a question about coloring. I want to use hibiscus flowers, sort of as a tea, to make red or pink soap. Does anyone know if this would work, or would the color just end up fading? I don't want to spend a ton of money on ordering coloring agents, so I was just looking at what I had around.
I would love to learn how to make soap. It would be a wonderful gift during the holidays!

Is there a place you guys would suggest for someone to start? ...Like a place to buy a kit?

I'll admit that I haven't read through all the pages of your posts yet, but I've enjoyed looking at everyone's soaps that I've seen! I wish my screen had scratch and sniff!!!
There are two threads here in the hobby section that have alot of information & there are several other places & message board. I will let the more experianced soaper give you those but you will find them all if you read the two threads here.
The "Soap makers Help" thread is a great site to start. I read thru the whole thing!
I took notes with the pg # for my own reference. It took me about 2-3 wks to get thru, but I perservered! I made my first batch of plain ole soap in May. Since then I have made 3 more batches. I plan to make more very soon. I also bought "The Soapmakers Companion" thru amazon, or check it out at your local library. It tells you the properties of the diff type of oils and other info, but I think I learned more on the thread. Everyone has been so nice to help and answer my questions. This is how I have learned. I have a long way to go, and want to experiment with the diff oils and adding color to my soap. I suggest you curl up in a comfy chair, and a good cup of coffee or tea and get started reading!
It really will help you to get started. I know it seems daunting, but it is worth it, if your really interested. You will learn what supplies you will need,soap calculator sites, recipes, eo's, fo's colorants, lots of info! The first recipe, (which is on the "smh" thread) is made of oils you can get at Walmart or your grocery. Olive oil, coconut oil, Lard, castor oil, and water, and of course your lye. I get mine at lowes. I hope this helps a little, and happy soaping! It is so much fun!

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