A novel for birdlovers; A message from birds


Aug 27, 2015
Would you please buy my mama's novel The Daughter of T-rex? I begged her to write this novel. At first she said that her English wasn't good enough to do it. But I begged her again, and told her at least her English was better than mine. so she did it.
If you really really love birds, please support her, spread the message. I will bless you. All birds will bless you.
Please, please, please...
Amazon prime members for free.
Kindle book only $1.99.
Paperback $7.5.


When I landed on the ground, I not only saw some chicken’s footprints, but some chicken’s feathers. They were the same as Amber’s. So, I called her loudly, “Amber, It’s me! Where are you!”

No body answered, but something was stirring in the shrubs. Somehow, I was not scared. I ran to the shrubs as fast as I could. Then I saw Amber rock her butt to escape, as if I was an enemy.

“Amber! It’s only me!”

She stopped. I took a step towards her. She lost a lot of feathers, and her feathers were no longer shiny.

“Amber, how come you are here? Where’re mama and sisters?”

She turned around slowly. She looked miserable. I was shocked, “Amber, you’ve got only one eye left! Where’s the other eye? What happened?”

“Who are you? I am not Amber! My name is Betta,” she said with her eye widely open.

Her voice was different from Amber’s. Her expression was also different. Indeed, she’s not Amber. But she looked just like a poor version of Amber.

“Betta, I am Little Redface. Where’re you from?”

“I’m from the upstream. I’m living with turkeys. They’re now my brothers and sisters.”

“Turkeys? Are they a kind of bird or chicken?”

“Well, I think chickens are birds. But birds are not all chickens.” Betta sounded deep, “Turkeys are like chickens. But they are not chickens.”

“What?” My head was spinning. I just didn’t understand what she was talking about. It was so difficult. I probably appeared puzzled.

“Is it too much for you? Anyway, just remember that turkeys are good.”

“Are turkeys big chickens?” I asked.

“Yes, you can say so. But it’s not very accurate.”

I was stupid. I didn’t need to be totally correct. As long as I knew there were big chickens, I was happy. If Jack annoyed me once again, I would take my kids to the upstream. We were all chickens, they would understand me.

“Where’re you from?” Betta asked me.

“I’m from the downstream.”

“I meant before that.”

“I’m from a back yard. How about you?” I asked her.

“I’m from a chicken farm.” Betta said, “Did you get a lot of abuse from those monsters?”

“What monsters? I didn’t see any monster.”

“You didn’t see a monster? It was impossible. Did those monsters use another name?” Betta exclaimed.

“Did you mean humans?” I guessed.

“Well, you can say that. But it’s not accurate.”

I wanted to ask her how she came here. But “eagles” started to call. Betta got frightened, “I have to go. Eagles are coming.”
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I'm looking forward to!

Is this novel an particular age group?

I'm thinking to share a little at a time for reading aloud to the kids at Library down the street from me.
Thank you black_dove2. it's not for a particular age group, for little kids, you may skip some very graphic parts.

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